Update 6.5 Patch Notes

I’m going to have to make some spaghetti to celebrate their arrival. Their skill set looks creative (two new buffs?) and useful, though I’m a bit worried about the potential for Lady’s active skill to actually reduce the damage from her teammates. Aside from that they look strong without being too OP.

I’m glad she’s the Prize Wall hero, because I agree with Phal, she looks potentially game-warpingly OP. We’ve had heroes before that looked OP before release that turned out just OK, and even the recent Rose and Eda boondoggles might not have been so bad if they hadn’t both been almost immediately buffed after release, so it’s far from certain she’ll end up dominating the game to their extent… but she bears keeping a close watch on, I suspect.

Already looking forward to this animation.

That’s… a bit more of a wait than I was expecting. Still, it’s nice to see another character from that movie, and bonus points for it being an unexpected one. She does look quite strong, possibly OP, with some unique effects. I worry about how hard it’ll be to get her chips, though.

I know this is a big ask, but I’d really like to have three, four, or even five different categories for “Favorite”. (Say, one category for heroes I want to level up ASAP with each cap raise, one category for heroes I’m working on Red Skills for, one category of preferred heroes for Heist…) Still, this is a very welcome feature, and I’m looking forward to future enhancements.

Does this apply to just the two new slots for the Market? Because I do think it would be helpful if all the slots in the Market, Black Market, and Mega Mart always asked for the same type of currency, whether Gold or Diamonds.

The other changes sound… maybe nice, if not exciting. (Well, except for the cost of the refreshes increasing, that’s a worrying line.) It’s still a good start, at least.

Looks like a fun 25 days.

What’s this? What’s this?

Please let it not be too hard to get, as most recent costumes have been…

I just hope the previous War Car Bonus perks decrease in price, as usual.

This seems promising; hopefully we won’t see a reduction of the rewards that aren’t listed in the notes, like hero chips, Badge Booster Crates, and Wish Crates.

These statements seem contradictory, to be honest. I think a case could be made that surge does potentially give too much gold, for those players who actually put in a little effort; then again, I thought a case could be made that players were starting to get too much stamina at the beginning of this year, and the result was a… rather severe overcorrection. Hopefully that won’t be the result this time. It’ll be even better if some way could be found to encourage more players to use this mode (like, oh, reducing mercenary costs…).

Hopefully these changes give Heimlich the modest boost he needs to be a truly useful tank; he’s definitely strong on his own, he just needs to use that strength for the team’s benefit.

I’ll again agree with Phal, if this is what’s broken about Jim’s revive, then this inauspicious bugfix line is the best thing about the update.

Nice; there’s a couple of heroes I’ve been trying to use who’ve been weakened by this bug, so I’m looking forward to seeing their true potential.

Overall, a very promising update, even if I still think that two heroes per month is the ideal schedule; if things work out, this could be the best update in quite some time.

A fine example of why I’m happy to see unusual friendship pairings; that was one of the best campaigns of the year when it came out, IMO.


Hey @Samm you made a mistake because Franny’s supposed to be on the Blue Team not the Yellow team because Bowler Hat Guy is on the Blue Team and he from the same movie as Franny


I like it.

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I know, right?


No, don’t listen to him.


Yeah, I wonder where Anxiety is.

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I feel like it’s been 3 year we got 3 new characters in patch notes and speaking of new characters, Encanto Back To Back on new heroes in the patch notes

Also I’m excited for these 3 characters

Well I’m glad we get another Duo and seeing Lady and the Tramp come in the game has made it better because that movie was a classic master piece

Isabela botta go flower power on the enemy’s and seeing another Encanto character come for the 3rd straight time is what I would call popular because Encanto did have the most votes for who we want to see this year

It’s good to see another character from Meet The Robinsons come in fact Franny is good with frogs and I hope Wilbur comes someday along with Lewis. And another thing @Samm and @TheGrillFather, Fanny’s supposed to be on The Blue Team because we already have someone from her movie Meet The Robinsons, on that team and it’s Bowler Hat Guy, please fix it because anyone from the same franchise is on the same team


Bro, why are you saying ‘don’t listen to him’?


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“Pumpkin Jack. Hmm, this would be the curious things I ever seen.” -Lucy.

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She honestly seems more like a support to me, but okay.

Huh, the girl is really getting some attention.

So…no Patch Trials at all? Or maybe the current season can be extended?

That part only includes the regular Market, while the pricing changes are for all of them, right?

Doubtfully, cause Power can be increased with a variety of ways, while Rank is just one of them. So, one can have a very strong toon of a lower rank thanks to SP mods, for example.


Yeah and shes on the wrong team

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Omg stop spamming about bloofy


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Lady and Tramp? FINALLY! The greatest dog couple along with Perdita and Pongo! We all have ben’ (not a typo) waitin’ for Lady and Tramp since launch!

Sorry if I sound like a brat, but Isabela looks a little off, her face is kinda… but anyways, we got Mirabel’s redeemed brat sister (meaning she wasn’t a brat in the end)


It cannot be possible. Then why could they appear in Once Upon a Studio?


Yay! Hooray!

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(Talking about Isabela)

Statler: I remember meeting a girl as perfect as Isabela.

Waldorf: Yeah, but Queen Victoria wouldn’t have you.


What are you scripting about?

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