
Some people just cross the .But ratigin great . Any more ideas?

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Which ones, dude? Concepts can be found here:D

Mother gothel,Dr. Faciler,and yzma are all great villains,but which one would you choose?

None of them. i choose food.


I personally made concepts for Claud Frollo, Mr. Waternoose, Cruella De Vil and Governor Ratcliffe. Yet my first 3 in my wishlist are Frollo, Facilier and Jafar.

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Sorry, we already got Scar here-no food left, everything is eaten by hyenas.

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I recommend carnotaurus from disney dinosaur

There are some obstacles on the way: there were two carnotauruses(If I spell it right), both with no differences in appearance, both not really smart and both with no name.


I also really want Doofenshmirtz

I believe some good villains to add would be possibly more obscure ones such as Captain Hook, Dr. Facilier, Lady Tremaine, Tamatoa and Judge Claude Frollo. Although my personal favorite Villain that I would wish to be added would be Jafar.

And before people look at that list and call out that there are some iconic Villains that aren’t “obscure” note that these are villains who are more obscure than the villains currently in the game as of 1.7.2 with Gaston who is the most recent villain to get a live action remake, Ursula who has debatably the best villain song ever made, Scar who was behind one of the most iconic and traumatic deaths in the history of animated cinema, Maleficent who is one of the best villains ever written and is widely known for her incredible petty motivations and being the focal point of one of the best live action retellings Disney has made and Hades who is most well known for an incredibly hilarious performance by American actor James Woods whose delivery has been made legendary and to my knowledge has always reprised his role in every form of media Hades has appeared in since.


Ha,food won’t beat mine!

you are almost completely right :wink: Jafar is my personal favorite villain but because Alladin is in game already I feel as though he cannot come into game now

Also off topic bu t how many villains can you think of that never sing in there movie(s)? Maleficent, Hades, and Jafar are the first three I think of.

Wait a second, Jafar had a song!
What of others, the Evil Queen, Shan Yu and Lady Tremaine(As I remember) had no songs.

He only had a song if you count this:

"And so Ali turns out to be merely a peasant, "

I forgot the rest of it :sweat::sweat_smile:

Yes, that one. And yes, I also don’t remember the lirycs😂

As others have pointed out Jafar does sing a reprisal of Prince Ali which while the most musically skillful, is still a great song. Other non singing villains would include:

Cruella De Vil who had a song about her but never actually sang. Clayton from Tarzan. None of the Toy Storys had a singing villain. Mr. Waternoose from Monsters Inc. Syndrome from the Incredibles or the villain from Incredibles 2. King Candy never sang from WIR. Pretty sure Captain Hook never sang from Peter Pan. Unsure of Pirates of the Carribean and their villains. The Evil Queen from Snow White also didn’t sing.

So yeah just a few villains that don’t sing. That’s just what I came up with off the top of my head.

Jafar did have a song.

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Well, I remember Hook singing. He had something about “You’ll walk the plank”.

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