Vote for future QoL Improvements!

Just remembered now, I do have another idea for a future QoL improvement. Not sure if it has been mentioned yet or not (apologies if it has), but the rewards for reaching the level cap in a server could be better - the current ones are quite useless for older players. I would love to see an improvement in that department. Five hero chips of a hero that came out a long time ago isn’t really useful in any way.


Like Catch Up deals…

I counter with slow and kristooff ian
And have seen magica countering my max

One small QoL change I want is in City Watch. I just want KO’d Heroes to go back to line like they when Heroes are used in Surge. It’s not a huge issue so if it never changes I am not too worried.

Lol Magica counters pretty much anyone she stuns with her active. Also because I seem she ignores evasion

Magica ignores evasion and tenacity.
Kristoff in a team makes freezes ignore tenacity. I question @Polaris… Why?


Well duh. It’s a channeling skill. She’ll stun enemies until her energy runs out. The only way to end this early is by interrupting her or draining her energy.

Same goes to Jafar…

Imo skills draining till they run out - some are good while others well… suck.

cough cough Magica cough cough

yes that´s why I said some are good… just needs a way for Magica to stay a bit longer and then bang…

for some “till energy runs out” is OP, for some others it´s a hindrance

If Magica stuns the most wanted enemy in the front, then her skill would be a waste because she wouldn’t be damaging anyone.

Anyways we need to get back on topic on QoL improvements. They’re other heroes that are in need of balancing.

I don´t say she should stun the enemy in front. I say “till energy runs out” instead of “drains energy for X seconds” can be OP while at the same time it can suck on others.

Magica is not op but can be very useful.
She’s not Cheshire Cat, Maximus which are monsters. She’s not mulan, kristoff, or Ian which also are very strong. She’s a control that actually does just that unlike the other two listed above. She can’t single handily take a team out. She needs to be put in with the right team or will not be affective. She doesn’t come with insane stats either.


Personally, I feel like she only needs to live to get her white out. Once she gets it, the team has relatively easy job.

Disk power and Mod power need to drop in all campaign modes just like gold and exp.

preset amounts that increase with each level/district/ rank.


No!!! Learn how to counter and or improve your toons this comment was for the remove max


He has huge survivability and damage, a mix of two things while it should be only one thing.
And as tank, it should be the first option.

No. He does no damage and goes down in seconds when you know how to counter him. Stop screaming nerf everytime you have problems.

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Then I guess Cheshire doesn’t need a nerf either :man_shrugging:

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The only thing needing a nerf is the rate of color ranks coming out (like people been begging for months) or at least the costs of needed badges for said newer badges, but we all know neither is happening. People just need to do things at own paces at this point since it’s just a game even though I will say being able to complete something I find fun persoanlly and struggling to beat cw or something isn’t. Again my personally opinion.

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