Vote for future QoL Improvements!

Oh, I think you had an awesome idea in there … a limited number of guilds per server or maybe some sort of requirement for creating a guild because that’s part of the issue is there are a million tiny guilds because everyone just wants to create their own

That wouldnt solve the issue in terms of strength

Personally I think the guild should be smaller (30-35) which will create more guilds and more competition

I am not caring about strengths of guilds , if the mighty high power people who spend money want to be in a guild together only then so be it (though some want free to play players as well as they bring another perspective to the game), I more concerned with keeping players around and trying to make things easier recruitment wise. Having anybody able to create their own small new guilds when there are plenty with perks that aren’t filled is just counterproductive to the server as a whole in my opinion. Why said should be a limit of active guilds on a server, not more.

As far as variants go , as said before ten would be better then 7, but maybe they can adjust to just do one fight against one guild per war season. Fighting the same 7 guilds the entire war season is boring.


I chose CW since it is very difficult for newer players and scaling doesn’t pair well with your T5 that is supposed to be based on. It just doesn’t work.

Simple fixes:

  • level cap per difficulty. Easy should be just that.
  • Appropriate skill levels for creeps, the 100/100/100/100 is grossly unfair and seems fully lazy.
    -limit # of appearances of creeps. 15 levels means you should only face Elsa/Mulan twice.
    -Improve rewards between difficulties: I am getting the same #of tokens regardless? Besides the RS the incentive just isn’t there to play this mode.

But please consider:
Speed; seriously it can take soooooo looooong!!! But then Sometimes the thief has his first gem before you can even look at the map- othertimes just waiting on her to attack forever.
Team display; the world map and battle lineups don’t correlate so sometimes I have requested the wrong hero- was on the right of when I sent them to the bodyguard but is to the left when I call from within the fight.
-Chat: its gross and predatory, how can so many openly sexual discussions get reported and yet seemingly not be acted on? Spend some energy on this or else you risk a toxic culture where it is not a “family” game but one based on trying to PM vulnerable kids.
I know it doesn’t generate revenue, but it deserves far more importance and attention. You have a responsibility to uphold and it is sadly being neglected. I am not the only person on this thread to point this out.
-War; we invest so many guild perks so that we can get one fight every other day? Yes, good ROI but long way to get there. Why can’t we be sabotaging the next one in the queue and fighting every day? Also, Have the memories awarded be on the same mechanism as the store so I will get weighted for ones I want.
-team management:
I would like the detailed stats navigation to the next page not be directly adjacent the x out button. Enhancements should be easier to find a char in the middle and to make it easier to find blue badges for my daily.
Make the friendship navigation remember you were on the Friend campaign tab and not exit you out to the Roster screen, and let me navigate to the roster screen from the campaign screen by touching their pic.
-Forum; some kind of ban for abusing the flag system. It is not okay for a few of the Regulars to be the arbiters of who gets to have a voice by silencing not just dissent but taking out grudges on certain people. This is called bullying.
Some kind of system where if someone has too many flags they are banned until they address their behavior.
Some way to not flag but maybe leave a handle like haha or touche or rude or ???, some way of engaging without having to leave a comment


Wanna improve the game? Remove Maximus from it.
Or nerf him. Because I will never complete City Watch as long as he’s there.

Removing heroes from the game won’t resolve anything

Anyways, Maximus is beatable.


Not on city watch.

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Really, Max can be beaten. Especially in CW where you can save energy


Even after he knocks out all of my best heroes, leaving the rest, which are of lower level and rarity?

You probably need to use different heroes then. I never had a problem with Maximus

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Maximus is beatable but when your doing epic your options are very limited with the wards.
He is also in every other Ian friend campaign, it’s absurd.
Unfortunately per blue is not listening. complaints of way over powered toons being used have gone nowhere.
A nice QoL improvement would be for Per Blue to test and ensure that toons are not so overpowered before they are released. All they do is add unnecessary stress to play a phone game.
We play this game for several reasons with the ultimate goal of removing stress from our lives and not to introduce some.
I play the game because I like the idea of building teams that work well together in an effort to counter another defense. I don’t play the game to take the few strongest toons and wipe everyone out. There is no reward in doing so.
It’s not fun when a toon is introduced that has an attack damage that is so massive that it guarantees a k.o. of one toon at 1.5 seconds after start evades all attacks, is self healing then finishes the job with their white skill. Then two months later a toon is introduced to finally be able to help counter them.
Yes there have been some ways to beat these way over powered toons that pop up but they are so limited that it become impossible to create defenses/offenses to do so.
War has become a joke. The new goal is to avoid garages with these toons. versus establishing an attack strategy that suits your guilds power level.
Coliseum and arena also becoming a joke with these toons.


Maximus and a bunch of very old heroes is not a problem. With Chesire Cat, Angel and Slinky, it is way less fun…


Cheshire is the only one who needs a nerf Imo… and maybe LSB


Agree. I counter Maximus with Maximus and Ian… Even if the enemy Max is on Red and mine is O3 and Ian O5…

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My counters for Max are Ian, Kristoff and Hiro. And Shank/T&P in case I need him to do less damage


My counter for Max is Zurg (Re)…

Really? I haven’t used Zurg in a looooong time.

Can confirm Zurg works as well, and yeah he isn’t that bad…

He is one of those heroes that are overlooked :grinning:

Haha. I haven’t worked on mine for a long time (like over a year), so I don’t think he’d be useful much :sweat_smile:

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