Vote for one of this characters for next update!

Could be a heavy charmer

I vote for Nemo

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I vote for Ariel

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I would pick R.R. but Iā€™m going to say baloo because I can see them doing him next and perhaps down the line a tail spin jacket will be available.

Baloo is one of my favs

Iā€™m going for Nemo!
Iā€™ve seen lots of Hank and Dory character conceptsā€¦ and I wanted to try out a Nemo oneā€¦ Iā€™ll go for Nemo!

Nemo, 100%ā€¦

List updated!

From these, my vote goes for Snow White. Though I have some characters in mind that I would like more. My wishlist is in My wish characters. :smiley:

Is it your opinion/wish or official? Cuz if it is official, then this game goes WAYYYY up in my fav list. I hate Star Wars even in itself and now that Disney has its rights, itā€™s coming to almost every Disney game.

As much as I love Disney, I certainly wish that other studios would feature themselves in a game with all their characters mixed or get a streaming service with all their movies and their movies only. Cuz Disney will eventually get them all with the current ā€œDisney and non-Disneyā€ policy

You probably should know that we try not too revive really old topics. :slightly_smiling_face:

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Oh Iā€™m sorry. I didnā€™t look at the posting timeline when I commented.

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Itā€™s okay :hugs:

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