insert another WandaVision joke here
Hello! Welcome to the fourth
and for right now, finalinstallment of my Madagascar series! Today is for the very unusual pairing, Gloria The Hippo and Melman The Giraffe!
Gloria & Melman
The quite unusual couple, Gloria & Melman use their unique abilities to keep themselves at high HP while dancing through the field taking it two steps forward, one step back
“It’s just like dancing, Melman. Two steps forward, one step back.”
Gloria & Melman are a Red Frontline Tank Duo
Entrance: Gloria runs in, holding on Melman’s neck
Victory: The two dance together
Defeat: They put their heads down in despair
Basic: (See Passive)
White Skill: Dancing On A Tightrope!
Passive: Gloria & Melman both have a different basic. For Gloria’s basic, she punches the closest enemies, dealing X damage. For Melman’s basic, he gains 1 stack of Prescription every 2.0 seconds. Every stack of Prescription heals Gloria & Melman by X HP over 1.8 seconds.
Active: Gloria & Melman dance on their tightrope until they run of energy, healing themselves for X HP over time. During this dance, they are Invincible and absorb all debuffs allies gain. They are healed for +10% more per debuff they absorb.
Green Skill: All Eyes On Me
- Fantastic Damage
Gloria taunts the enemies, redirecting all damage done to her allies to herself for 6 seconds. While taunting, Gloria has +30% more Armor and cannot be KO’d.
This skill has a chance to fail against enemies above Level X.
Blue Skill: "Licensed" Doctor
- Normal Damage
At the start of every wave, the player chooses a character for Melman to share his stacks of Prescription with.
When that ally reaches 20 stacks of Prescription, Melman hands them his prescription bottles and they throw them at the nearest enemy, dealing X damage.
+10% more damage with each bottle for every debuff Gloria & Melman absorbed with Dancing On A Tightrope!
Purple Skill: Dance Partners
Gloria & Melman gain +5% Evasion for every unit on the field.
If Gloria & Melman successfully evade a attack, they gain +X Armor and Reality for the rest of the wave.
Red Skill: Two Steps Forward
When a ally evades, blocks or Reflects a attack, they are healed for +20% of their Max HP.
When Gloria & Melman absorb a debuff, the lowest HP enemy also gains that debuff with it’s duration increased by 5 seconds.
The enemy debuff has a chance to fail against enemies above Level X.
Additional Stat Boosts:
- +X Damage on
"Licensed Doctor"
- +Y Armor
- +Z Tenacity
Gloria & Melman/Hank & Dory
Campaign: “Unlikely Pairing”
Allies: Moana, Flynn Rider, Ursula
Disk Power:
- +30 Reality Negation for all allies
- +Z Shield HP on all ally sources
Debuffs Equals Buffs
- When enemies are dealt debuffs, allies gain the opposite buff for 4 seconds (+2 per star)
Gloria & Melman/Fear
Campaign: “Overcoming Fears”
Allies: Mr. Big & Koslov, Dash, Judy Hopps
Disk Power:
- +X Energy Gain for Red Team allies
- -Y Energy Gain for Red Team enemies
Stun Counter For Allies
- When the ally that has Prescription is dealt more than 50% of their Max HP in a single hit, they Stun the enemy that last attacked them for 4 seconds (+2 seconds per star)
Other Notes
This was probably the hardest concept to make for me of recent. They are such a awkward duo and making a skillset for them is extremely hard. But rewatching the movies helped me find a good way to include Gloria’s personality as well as Melman’s while also making their dancing from 3 the main focal point of the skillset.
I was also going to originally make these two separate but once again, it would have been too hard. Melman especially since I would have no idea how to make a whole skillset derived around him. Gloria would have been easier by herself but the two together made the most sense.
Some gifs of all the Madagascar characters since this will be it for right now. I know, kinda sad but it’s been super fun along the way!
And yes, I will eventually do Vitaly, Stefano, Gia, Chantal DuBois and Nana at some point.