So as we all know zeus just got a huge nerf that’s knocked him down a few pegs but he really wasn’t as big an issue,
as the new god hero is named Quasimodo is he’s almost impossible to kill and is worse then Zeus ever was plus quasi counters are very few and far between
@Nugget can the team please take a look at Quasimodo and baymax now that Zeus has been fixed cause they also can solo teams.
Which I remembered when you guys said they don’t want any hero that can single handly take out a whole team before they can even get moves off which I know doesn’t apply perse
It’s not much fun when your maxed out meta heroes line goes against a single Quasimodo and loses only cause of how good he is and the fact his counters are so few.
Baymax is well only dominant cause of his entry move like Zeus has and since Zeus was nerfed I feel baymax damage needs to be nerfed also for fair play and not being soloed