Funny how all of these numbers can also mean letters on a calculator
Already tried that.
It gave me 30?068
How did you even get that?
Well, I remembered a riddle I heard when I was a kid in which you needed to put certain letters in a calculator (with their respective digital numbers), and then flip upside down.
But it doesn’t work here.
Numbers, and letters.
2,746,155$ cash price if we solve the riddle.
Awww, Perblue, that is so generous of you!
Should we still be using the patchnotes as a way to solve the number thing?
Wait what if BGDFOE is also a hint at a new hero, or villain should I say. It kinda looks like big (bg) Disney (d) foe (foe), big Disney foe, I wish this theory was correct but it’s probably not
Warner Brothers😂
Has anyone tried BOGDEF…? Or BEGDOF?
Just spitballing here lol
It won’t work because if so Polaris won’t have post that they were wrong about the letters, the order matters
No. We have to decipher 2746155
Do we have to post there?
Now what?
Where Kim was first found, wait, that means
If we “fit” BGDFOE into hexadecimal we get 0xB6DF0E = 11984654.
maybe we can try this with posts? I tried with the URLS and i get nothing, i dunno what are you doing with the urls to mimic you.
By another hand, i suspect that all this hunt is related to Gravity Falls.
Just a funny thing… there is a puzzle in GF which solved reveals
Put all six pieces together!
And well, thats why we doing right now
high-pitched screaming
I think we have a winner!