When will later servers get the new heroes?

So when I first started the game, it was right when the Simba and Nala hero dropped. At the time I did not know about the server differences
I started on server 21
While I “could” transfer to a server with more heroes, I’ve kinda invested a LOT of time and effort into server 21.
Personally I think it’s stupid that not all servers are on the same step. It makes no sense to me. It’s like a lot of different versions of the game.

Is there a calendar somewhere showing when the later servers get the new heroes on other servers? Cause this is really… disappointing. I feel the servers should be explained in the tutorial. Since they’re all different. Or at least be able to completely transfer from one to another.

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  1. If Server Transfers were a thing, and the Servers don’t have the same Cap and Heroes, Top Players from the Older Servers like S1 could just transfer their very powerful Heroes to a newer Server like S21, and there would be no way for newer players to catch up, unless they spend money.

  2. The reason for different Servers and their different Caps is to allow the newer players to catch up slowly. If PerBlue just puts a New Player to an old Server with a high Level Cap like 140, there would be no way for way to catch up, once again, unless they spend money.

  3. Even though I’m not on these Servers, I definitely agree on having some sort of Calendar for Heroes that will be added in the Newer Servers.


Hi @Subsquentual and welcome to the forums. This topic comes up quite a lot but whilst it might not be obvious, there is actually a really good reason for having the newer be some way behind the more established ones.

Rather than going through it all again here, I’ll point you to a precious thread where it is explained. Click here to read the other thread

Yeah I guess that makes sense
Still though
All heroes should be available on all servers
I don’t understand why new servers don’t have the newer heroes. The quests still have the same hero chips in the elite mission right?
It would just add variety to market rotations and chip bundle rotations. Rather than seeing the same few heroes over and over again.

It’s good to know that we’re on the same page but I’mma explain why some of the Heroes in the Older Servers are not in Newer Servers.

This has the same reason: to let the newer players catch up.

Server 22 has 48 Heroes, while Server 5 has 76 Heroes.

If PerBlue decided to release those remaining 28 Heroes onto Server 22, which include Heroes like Anger, Gonzo, Madam Mim, and Yzma, then the gap between the F2P and the P2P will just get bigger, which might cause a number of Players quitting the game.

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Imo, despite this being a right point, they should let new players decide on which server they want to start their account, instead of just putting all of them in the last server avaible

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Technically you can, but only if you know what you’re doing. It threw me onto s7 I think when I started but I immediately switched to S3 to join people I knew. Since I played DS, I knew how it worked.

I think a step in the intro tutorial thing should highlight the accounts feature and the server system, that would save a lot of headache for newcomers to this style of setup (and also help a little bit with server populations)

The whole idea of servers (aside from splitting the population) is to provide an equal game experience for all, no matter when you’ve joined the game. People who started on S22 when it opened will have a roughly equal experience to those who started on S3 when it opened, etc etc. - rather than being chucked into a well-aged system with everything aimed at much higher leveled players, and being miles behind the rest in competition

That disagree…Currently with less characters its more pay to win than if we had more characters. With only a handful of characters to pick from (characters we all have) that forces players to pay money to get the strongest character possible. As opposed to having a wider selection of characters to choose from to counter their characters and we REALLY wouldnt have to pay. So your logic on that is a little upside down.

His (edit: or her, sorry) logic is spot on. As someone on server 5 with all possible characters currently available I assure you that more characters does not mean more counters (not even close unfortunately).
The fact is that without fail, every time a new character is released they are so ridiculously overpowered that there is no way to counter them, regardless of who you have in your lineup. The other problem is that almost as soon as a new, overpowered character is released thee is a way to buy this character and immediately advance them to max power.
This leads to an imbalance in power that the newer servers cannot imagine. It will come to you all as it has come to the older servers and I guarantee (I wish this wasn’t true but it is fact) that when it does a great many of you that are currently complaining that you don’t have enough characters will instead be complaining (even louder and more passionately) about how unfair it is that only the people who are prepared to pay ridiculous amounts of money are able to get the best experience from the game.


@Phal your suggestion works but only in principle. If all new players were given the choice to join a server with 28 available characters or another with 76 which do you think they would choose?

The new servers wouldn’t get any traffic at all. The older servers would get overcrowded but then 95% of people who joined it would quit within a week because they can never catch up. The newer servers wouldn’t get any bigger, guilds would fall and contests would become meaningless.

Logic is older players get new stuff first so they don’t get bored and leave.

Halloween is soon so probalbly more characters incoming

Well, maybe PerBlue wanta to give the same experience to all servers is not like Server 1 began with 60 heroes, they were added with time and updates, what logic will have a game that unlocks all the heroes at the begin and then have nothing.

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But thats the way it already is…Whoever pays the most wins, so nothing will have changed. Keeping us with less characters to pick from will breed stronger competition on whos the best with those few characters and that forces us to pay to win…It wouldnt be like that with more characters and disney knows this thats why they dont do it. Im in server 19 and server 21 has more characters than our server…Thats a sort of cold shoulder from disney really

Don’t feel the need to type this again. The way server segregation and hero allocations are distributed has it’s reasons. It’s like just learning basic calculus in the first grade and complaining why they aren’t teaching you advanced rocket science yet.

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Not even close to rocket science bro…Disney wants to maximize profits for each character and they wont get nearly as much money by releasing all characters at once. They dont care if a few people quit trust me. Its about money, and theres nothing wrong with that i guess, i mean, they made a great game and they deserve to reap the rewards from that work. But at the same time it should be about the player too and they should try to meet in the middle but their too focused on money so they wont.

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