Wish crates feedback

I am not going to disagree that it would be better if it was lower than 300, but still getting it just to 300 would still be price cut for over half of price which I think at least is still pretty decent.

Just getting the price down is overall the first thing, then we can more so negotiate a reasonable pricing since the price first of all have to get under 500 as in the 10x option not costing more than 5000 as then we are at least more in the expensive, but more reasonable range compared to 1000/10000.

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300 is a perfectly ok price, for just apprx. 10 more diamonds you can get a diversity of stuff and chips for the hero of your choice

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I know what u mean.
But we speak about a 1% Chance to get (Max) Chips.
In this Case, it is not acceptable.
If they would increase Chance massivley
It might be ok. But so
 It’s the bait Crate.

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I dont undersrand this fact with this 10 diamonds.

But as I wrote below.

This should be a “Wish Crate”
But it doesnt be.

In the markets u get better Things for 300 diamonds.

If u could realy say " I want 100 Chips"
Than it would be a fair prize (300 diamonds)

But to pay for only a Bad Chance. It is not.

10 diamonds more than the diamond crate

Best I’ve seen is 10 hero chips and purple-orange rated badges, and the wish crate can give all that stuff

Also, the odds of getting hero chips really aren’t that bad, both me and my alt got hero chips

Ah okay. Thx.

U get in this Crate for 300 diamonds

  • 100 Rs Token ( too expensive)
  • 1 purple badge (everone can craft it)
  • 800k Gold (so much better on market)
  • some badge tiles (purple, orange, Red?)
  • 2-10 hero Chips

Some examples.

we better dont speak from this “Jackpot”

So tell me, where is this a good deal.
It would be fine for 100 But not more.

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If you don’t mind me asking, how many Wish Crates do you want to be able to open per day?

I think I need to hear your thoughts on this before our discussion continues.

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And my point was proven with my post flagged.

And to be clear I would call anyone dishonest if they are and pb employees has been caught bending the truth many times.


I like the negotiating idea, but there’s still one problem: what bargaining power do we have that will twist PB’s arm and lower the price? Unless we can get everyone (including most whales) to boycott spending, it won’t work!

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Exactly! They won’t lower the price. Instead.

  1. Remove mod related stuff completely.
  2. Add guaranteed cosmetic crates.
  3. Give hero chips each time we open them even if those are luck based what’s the point.
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These won’t be useful to the chosen hero
 not directly, anyways. The point of the wish crates is to help you upgrade your chosen hero.


tbh i wouldn’t be surprised if they actually did decrease the cost in a few weeks time.

A model PB have used a number of times for feature release -

  1. release it at such a high cost - many people complain, but some people do pay the cost

  2. reduce the cost a while later so it looks like the community has been heard and appeased - this cost will still be higher than necessary, though

  3. gradually creep it back up again over the course of a few months to avoid a flood of complaints all at once, because most people don’t notice

3 won’t happen here since it’s a fixed price crate, but I would expect 2 - eg. they might reduce it to 8000 and call us satisfied :face_with_monocle:


Well, I didn’t mean that we likely actually negotiate with PerBlue in that sense even if it would be nice of course. While it is true PerBlue could make feedback voting poll in terms of what price we players would like, but the same time PerBlue explaining what each price mean in the sense of what do we gain or lose based on the price point we want after getting the Wish Crate to cost 500/5000 at the highest.

And yeah, this image is from the game Moonlighter and me just editing the prices, so yeah this is what I think we players think about the Wish Crate prices and how we for the most part feel about them :-).

So yeah, I feel like PerBlue has to at least get down to 500/5000 for players to feel like it is an okey price even if still relatively high, so not per say one they are pleased with.
300/3000 would likely be what we as players view as a fair price and are overall relatively happy to buy, 100/1000 being of course a really kind price and one we players would be really happy for :-).

That’s how I view the Wish Crate’s prices and how they impact us players.

Also, I actually do own Moonlighter and I in that game aim for the happy little smile price for the most part, like keeping customers happy means that they are more likely to come back and buy afterall :-). Customer service as in like not support service, but just treating your customers well make them more likely to come back and buy, which also goes for real life.


This is a classic marketing trick known as the decoy effect. Anyone who thinks more than 1000 diamonds is “okey” is falling prey to it.

Open your eyes. Don’t let the company fool you. :money_with_wings: :money_with_wings: :money_with_wings:


Well, it is more so the fact about how many should we players be able to get within a week like 10x wise.
If it s 100/1000 then we would likely be able to buy one 10x every other or third day depending on how much we earn earn in the Arena and Challenger, and of course taking a bit longer if in lower placings.

At 300/3000 we should be able to buy one 10x within 5 days or so depending on how high placing we each of us have.

So it doesn’t take that many days to earn one 10x if the price is 300/3000.

While of course it would be great if the price was 100/1000, but I am not sure if that’s necessarily fair business for PerBlue as they are more likely to sell at a loss in such case. That’s bad business, which I think isn’t ideal either for PerBlue. So between (0/)100/1000-300/3000 would be ideal for us players I agree, PerBlue on the other hand likely needing the Wish Crate to cost at least 100/1000 if not 200/2000 I assume.

I don’t know the lowest the Wish Crate can go, but I assume at least it can’t go for lower than the Slinkly Crate as that’s the closest equivalent in terms of the Wish Crate, so yeah something to keep in mind I assume.


Atm a f2p Player has 2k-3k free diamonds per month.
(Thuna maybe 5k)

So if we spend 30%-50% of Our diamonds we can open

1000 di - 1 crate
500 di - 3 crates
300 di - 8 crates
100 di - 10 crates

So it’s not the question how often per Day
It’s how often per month.

Dont forget, to complete the ftn contest u also need a lot of diamonds.

Wrong. I am F2P and I get 900 per day




Not everyone is in the challenger modes.

But i agree,
I included some purchases on the market

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Actually, I am an F2P player(VIP 0 player) and I get around 600-700 diamonds per day depending on what rank I am in Challenger, I most often get into the III rank unless I forget to use the keys before the next week start.

But yes, you would be right that lower leveled players who isn’t in Challenger wouldn’t be able to as easily get a steady flow of diamonds in the same sense as those who are in Challenger.

As far as the FTN contest, well combo the diamond spending with the buying of Wish Crates :-).

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