Would You Like a Disney Junior Character?

You may be right, obscurity doesn’t determine the chances of a certain character coming to the game, but I think Imagineer made the biggest point in this argument: Disney Junior characters are too childish


I don’t think adding a Disney Juinor character is horrible, I think it fully depends on whom, if it’s someone who is actually cool, like a Muppet baby character that’s fine, but if it’s someone dumb,that’s a problem

Ok a Muppet baby is dumb, but you know what I mean

Yes. Even when there are the real muppets already in the game

That’s exactly my point. Not all Disney Junior shows have to be in the game. But those who truly deserve a spot on the roster.

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Exactly,I agree

I’m not saying that either, I mean Sofia could be a ok add because she knows the Disney princesses anyway

Listen. I’m sorry for what i said. I didn’t mean to offend you. I was trying to make a point and i guess it came out wrong.

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I mean all Disney Movies are kids movies, so we all are “toddlers” in some way

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No, they’re not :roll_eyes:


To some extent, they are PG and G for a reason :man_shrugging:

Disney movies are for everyone! Not all of Disney is childish.


“Kids-friendly” does not mean “kids movie”

I didn’t mean it that way, I guess that came out bad, sorry

Wrong, roger rabbit, Hocus Pocus, etc aren’t child friendly or kids movies

Depends on what kinda parent you are :man_shrugging:

Look, were getting off-topic here. I was only trying to apologize to @Grim_grinning_Ghost.

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You don’t have to be an adult, and much less a parent, to watch 20-year-old movies…


Disney Junior characters shouldn’t come to the game. I would not quit the game or be angry if they were added. But I think it would be best if they stayed out of the game since most people probably wouldn’t recognize them and most little kids that would probably aren’t allowed to play this game.


And it’s awkward enough that there are Disney Junior badges…

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