Yen Sid Concept (Likely)

Yen Sid (Fantasia, 1940)

A renowned sorcerer, Yen Sid and his powerful hat rule the competition with their superior sorcery.



Stars: :star:

Type: Midline Damage

Trials Team: Red Team

Entrance: Yen Sid walks in regally with his head up and arms folded, almost gliding across the floor.

Victory: Yen Sid yawns.

Defeat: Yen Sid is taken aback.


Basic Attack:
Fantastic Damage :sparkles:
Yen Sid creates a flash of light, hitting the nearest enemy.


:white_circle: White Skill: “Mystic Conjuring”
Fantastic Damage :sparkles:
Yen Sid conjures a cloud of bat-shaped smoke, Scaring all enemies for 12 seconds and dealing X fantastic damage per second to all enemies for the duration of the Scare. This scare cannot be dodged or reduced with Tenacity.


:green_circle: Green Skill: “Fantastical Vision”
Fantastic Damage :sparkles:
Yen Sid conjures a cloud of butterfly-shaped smoke which explodes in a flash, Blinding all enemies for 8 seconds and dealing X fantastic damage per second for the duration of the Blind. All allies are healed for X health.


:large_blue_circle: Blue Skill: “Part The Sea”
Normal Damage :fist:
Yen Sid summons a huge wave, dealing X normal damage to all enemies and Knocking Back all enemies. All Knocked Back enemies are Shattered for 8 seconds and have their Movement Speed decreased by 75% for 8 seconds.

:purple_circle: Purple Skill: “Foresight”
After using “Mystic Conjuring,” Yen Sid has a 95% chance to Dodge incoming skills and basic attacks for 8 seconds. Dodge chance is less effective against enemies above level X.

:red_circle: Red Skill: “Prophesied”
“Fantastical Vision” now selects a random trial team each time it is used, granting X Skill Power to all allies of that trial team for 16 seconds.

“Mystic Connuring” now Shatters enemies for 12 seconds.

Additional Stat Boosts:

  • +X Skill Power

  • +Y “Mystic Conjuring” damage

  • +Z “Fantastical Vision” damage


Yen Sid and Merlin: Magical Mistrials

Dodge incoming attacks to gain energy!

Disk Power

  • +X Max Energy to Yen Sid and all allies

  • +Y Armor to all Red Team allies

  • +Y Reality to all Red Team allies


  • Whenever Yen Sid dodges a Basic Attack or Skill, he gains +10/+20/+30/+40/+50 energy

  • Yen Sid’s Basic Attack now deals splash damage

Allies: Fairy Godmother, Mary Sanderson, The Blue Fairy

Yen Sid and Cinderella: Night of the Living Brooms

Cleanse allies while dealing damage

Disk Power

  • +X “Fantastical Vision” healing

  • +Y Evasion

  • +Z Tenacity


  • “Part The Sea” cleanses 1/2/3/4/5 random allies

  • +15%/+30%/+45%/+60%/+75% improved healing to Yen Sid and all allies

Allies: Donald Duck, Meilin Lee, Ariel


Cool Concept! There’s something wrong with the first two GIFs…

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