1.17.10 Known Issues

Choosing Li Sheng mercenary in spar battles crashes the game.

I’m not seeing this happen - what team were you battling, and which heroes were on your team when this happened?

I have Li Sheng unlocked. May be it ?

Bo Beep makes Not enough dmg in Invasion.

This Invasion

Special Invasion

This is Not normal.

Well, in first pic she has 136 power-up and the other has 403 so yeah?


Have the bosses in Invasion been buffed? I remember being able to reach lvl 500 with 3x and now I can’t even kill a 320 one without help

No, they haven’t been buffed, but we did fix a bug where they were being marked as defeated incorrectly.

I just received double rewards for Arena and Coli. Pretty sure it happened yesterday too, although I wasn’t paying much attention then. It’s not urgent though, feel free to take care of more important issues first. I can grin and bear it for now. :upside_down_face:



I thought it was just me. ‘Cause I received double rewards yesterday and today

I wish this was a new feature and not a bug

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Most likely through unreleased deals

I’m seeing this too on iPad.

Agreed. If some S21 players were able to purchase syndrome through a bug, then he should be added to the server or swapped (like for Pooh, perhaps). Not really fair to the rest of us.

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Can’t add friends anymore. Tells that friend list is full.

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for me the same server 9


I’m getting rewards twice too

Think a little bit pls.

Yes they are different.
But this should only show you, that there is a huge gap between them.
The Bot Lv is also a different one :yum:

In percent BoBeep makes less, dmg than before.

Complaining about Bo Peep not being OP on bosses be like…

Because that’s true, she’s not.

Not a bug, but could be possible to add [Use 100] on those crates?

It’s really painful and time consuming now.

And some button to ignore the animation of unlocking hero - full hero.


Why OP?
I just want the state as it was before.

So BoBeep isnt playable

Do even know what OP means? It means overpowered.

And Bo is OP

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