1.17 Known Issues

This was happening in Chat Spar @Polaris


@Polaris , Honestly I hope the gold sell price of raid tickets at 10 gold each is a bug, its ridiculously insanely low.
Considering they are blue items (which sell for 1000s of gold, e.g. blue XP 4k gold or blue badges) they should be 400-500 times more valuable than they are now.

To value 153,000 raid tickets as 4 single skill ups (1.5M gold) in gold is completely unfair.


Here’s an update:

  • There crash in port and campaign is being caused by the weekly challenge. To stop the crash we will be disabling the challenge for everyone.
  • The Sven bug is limited to just chat sparring and is caused by redoing a battle.

Is the Sven bug related to the following (visual only) bug where I repeated a fight in colosseum (sorry, can’t spell it the wrong way) only for my opponent to have 4 extra squirrels on his team? (They weren’t there in the actual fight. But they made his team’s power look big.)


Lots of visual issues. Strange…

Not a new bug, this one’s been around a while - if you try to equip a (new) mod and then level it up all in the same action, you get an error message and the equip is rolled back. You have to re-equip, exit the hero, re-enter and then level it up.


Wil lthe challenge be re-enabled once the bug has been fixed?

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@Polaris is it a bug that Syndrome is not a part of the Incredibles collection?

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@Polaris 1 more bug wont let me change my guilds badge icon but will let me change border

@Polaris I’m not sure if this is related to adding Kristoff & Sven to the team (also BIG thank you for the hero chips!), but my Aladdin is always landing in front of Ducky & Bunny when he used to land behind and redirect his laser eyes. Is this a glitch?

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Chapter 28 normal campaign is 12 stamina per area.

Yes, he should be in that collection. We’ll update the stats to get him in there.

We’re working on this - possibly will be just granting the challenge complete to everyone.

We’re looking into this.

This should be enabled soon.

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There is a visual bug when adding xp to levels manually, when it goes to next level the visual scores don’t change when adding more, but they are going up still


Updated the list at the top.

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  • New issue: Servers with the weekly challenge, Dauntless, will not be able to make progress. This is one of the challenges that was causing the port to crash during combat. We are currently working on this.

I want to change my guild avatar badge and it won’t let me is this something to do with the new collections @polaris

Do you get an error message, or do you just not have the option?


None, actually

If they tap on the emblem they want, the current emblem won’t change to the selected one. No error message.

I tried this out on one of my alt accounts btw

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Added guild emblems to the list. Thanks for the details!

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Sorry, is this supposed to happen now with Aladdin?

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