1.17 Known Issues

Added to the list at the top:

  • Using Quick Fights in Creep Surge with a hired mercenary, will mark your own hero as used also.

I seen one other person say this but it was never addressed.

When doing surge I noticed heroes are being “used” without actually using them.

Today when I preformed my first attack on a region I hired a beast merc and used my own hercules. When I went to do my next attack MY beast said used. Which he certainly was not.

I noticed this yesterday, and if you close and reopen the game they do come back, but it is super inconvenient if you are on a good surge run

The game doesnt working

Upon logging in the game closes out immediately and I have to click to open a 2nd time

Hi @Polaris,

Some sort of badge glitch? Today I crafted the Dark Disguise badge and equipped it to Elastigirl. After that, everyone in my roster who still need to equip the badge have the pink exclamation point on them, even though I don’t have the badge anymore.

I have to open all of them and look at their badges to get rid of it. If I don’t, the pink ! says on them.

Here’s what I’m seeing:

Why’d you give us a weird Moana frame lol


I claimed what I thought was a free VIP crate a few days ago, but I didn’t pay attention to my diamonds so I don’t know whether I spent any. Should I send in a support ticket anyway?

Also, when I claimed my free VIP crate about 8 hours ago (and this time I was paying attention, and it actually was free), the button was still highlighted and showed “Free” for about 20 seconds afterwards, then correctly showed the diamond cost.

As you can tell, Moana is very distraught to be affected by this glitch :grin:

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This has happened to me a lot over the past several days; not every time, but close to half the time.

Badge avatars are no longer unlocked by having a hero at that badge’s rarity; they’re given through the new cosmetics crates. Which I think is really chintzy, and I don’t even use badge avatars.

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Yes! We’ll be able to check the logs and see what happened!

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Error with powercrafting.
You cant complete the daily missions only with powercrafting

It doesn’t happening anymore, so I guess it’s fixed :thinking:

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But the square borders bug hasn’t been fixed

Heroes aren’t marked with the collection icon properly when they are at 0 progress for that collection rank. Once you use them at least once and they get 1 point of progress the icon shows up properly.

It isn’t a bug. The “C” is supposed to appear when you have progress on that hero. If you have no progress, it won’t appear

There seems to be an issue with the Trials and Ports. Although all of them look like they’re open, two of the trials and one of the ports will send up a “come back a different day” message and not give out the rewards when I try to raid them. (Today, for example, only the Red Trials work and give out the rewards while Blue and Yellow don’t.) I know at least a couple others in my Guild have been having the same issue.

Haven’t you seen the announcements in the game?

Oh, they did announce it in-game and I completely missed it! I’m a slowpoke. XD

why the hero customes chips where removed from items ?? I had about 3 million gold saved in there and I wanted to sell those!! please sent them back asap!

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