1.6 Known Issues

These adds for deals keep popping up almost everytime you back out of a menu to the main map screen. Seems like a glitch, definitely a feature that should normally only happen once when you log in for the day. Don’t know about other players, but I’ve never had a problem finding the deal I want, when I want. :slight_smile:


A lot of my graphics are screwed up. I can’t upgrade the last two skills on anyone cus the back button is overlapping them. Hopefully this gets fixed soon because I’m crippled in a lot of ways. On a Samsung Galaxy Note 8.

@Polaris Not sure if this is answered somewhere else, but what is the timeline of fixing issues with graphics? With the speed of these updates to level caps and badge levels, it’s difficult to keep up already.
So far the big issues for me are I cant fight in coliseum or war and I cant upgrade hero blue and purple skills.

Example below of one obvious issue.

Adding more as I come across them

I can’t do any friend activities

Can’t Fight in Coliseum :expressionless:

Cant fight in War

Is it intended that the popup keeps appearing all the time? I quit other mobileapp because they always have those annoying popups and was very glad that DH doesn’t do that exzessively. But after the update it becomes just that. Hope it is not intended and you fixed it. Its fine to get a reminder when you start the game but not during the game itself.


My Creep Surge settings seem to be bugged. With the problems yesterday we bumped the difficulty down from 15 waves to 11 waves in the settings, but it still said 15 waves in the Surge main screen. Now I, the guild boss, try to change it back to 15 waves and it will let me pick any difficulty level except 15 waves. I already filed an in game support ticket

@Polaris are there going to be comps for the issues with surge? We can’t get even remotely close to finishing surge with this issue which takes tokens away from us.

Yes, there will be. In-game support has said there will be a mass-compensation sent out

@Polaris any updates on when the surge fix will come through? Sorry if this was posted elsewhere but I can’t find it and our surge has been live for a couple hours and don’t want people wasting attacks before the fix. Thanks!

Would assume they mean soon today

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I see the bug isn’t fixed yet… just played what should have been an easy match and died in 2 seconds.

Thank you! That was helpful.


We have released client 1.6.1 for Google, Samsung, and Amazon. This is an unforced update, so you will likely need to go to the store to install the update. It may take up to an hour for the update to appear in your store, so please be patient.

iOS players: We have submitted the update to Apple for approval and we will release it as soon as we can.

Once all the clients are available, we’ll force the update, and schedule the bonus gold event.

Apologies for the inconvenience and thank you for being patient!


Just today I was doing surge and there is a bug where you start with like 1 or 2 HP while the enemy starts with full HP making it impossible to complete and win. This is frustrating as I am basically wasting my heroes for nothing, only way to win surge is with raid tickets, otherwise, good luck!

They literally said in the post above yours that they put out an update to fix that issue…

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Can you read? They JUST said right above you they released the patch

Still waiting for it to appear on iOs…is there any compensation though? We literally missed todays surge just because of this. Our surge finished before this update came out.

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Same issue this morning on server 14 (Samsung s8).

Theyve already said several times theres going to be a mass compensation

you still could have got a couple of attacks is with Surge Raid

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