1.9.2 Known Issues

@Polaris merci pour la mise a jour, j’avais remarqué que le jeu était beaucoup ralenti.
Depuis ce soir, 4:45 PM CT c’est beaucoup plus fluide, je vais continuer à jouer pour l’instant :wink:

I’m also getting lag/slow down on iOS devices

  • When writing in chat it takes a few seconds after I post for my messages to show up

  • After a battle in surge it takes a few seconds after the battle to say the zone is clear

  • menus taking longer to load

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There was a couple weeks at the end of April when the token prices was mistakenly lowered. They have been returned to their correct values.


  1. The trouble with Buzz is known and on the list above.
  2. Please have that player send in a support ticket so they can take a look at the logs.
  3. This is a known issue the team has been investigating.
  4. If the player was using the emoji, it automatically switched her to the hero icon with the update. She’ll not be able to choose Merida until the hero is Purple or higher.
  5. Everyone has the same number of slots for the Challenge Shop. The perks are for the Mega Mart and the Memory Markets.
  6. Invasion won’t be available on S19 until they have a higher rarity cap. That’s why the bot isn’t visible yet.
  7. We’re looking into the crash issue with the quests.
  8. Please send in a support ticket with the specific details of the XP drink issue.

If this helps, My device is an Amazon Fire Tablet. Maybe that is android??

Anyways, I do not think there is any lag when I play my other account on server 19…


Yep, it seems to be Android devices, and older servers. The team is looking into it.


@Polaris I bought diamonds in game, paid with IDeal and didn’t get my diamonds. Server 18.

@Kat_VII Please send in a support ticket with a screenshot of the transaction confirmation from your app store. They’ll be able to look up the purchase!

@Polaris problem is I didn’t get email with confirmation… I just can see on my internet banking -9.99€
And also no any confirmation in Google Play

Usually that means the transaction is still pending. Google can sometimes take 24 hours to finish a purchase. Once you get the confirmation from Google, that means the transaction is finished.

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Thank you, hope it will be good… don’t want pay for nothing


Made a GIF of woody not working right


It would help without all the guff on the screen…

It’s about woody’s lasso not working. It shows it not working if you look at Nick Wilde

Yah know, his lasso skill not working is not making it too much harder for me to progress in The Arena. At least it stuns the enemy…

I’ve had that happen to me during Invasion. Where enemy Buzz locked my hero in a cage for A WHOLE MINUTE and then he did it to himself because he fell within 40-50% below his HP. So annoying


Here’s a video I captured of the Merlin issue where his skill is constantly failing to transform enemies:

Not sure if this is related to the update or just a long unnoticed bug, but in the Mad Hatter friend campaign with Alice, in the last stage of episode 1 there is a glitchy Buzz enemy. His anti gravity cage is lasting longer than the listed 7 seconds… a LOT longer. The worst so far has been 23 seconds, but it’s essentially lasting until my Alice (the targeted hero) dies. He is permanently stunning her until she dies so she cant fight back.

Woody is fine tor me but buzz went a little wrong when he did anti gravity case he did it to my jack sparrow and an enemy

Ummmmmmm something happened again I went to Heist and then Bogo and Mr Incredible we’re taking to each other

And again!!! Buzz had a problem he was doing the anti gravity case and the villain was still in the case till the the of the wave

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