2.1 & 2.1.10 Known Issues

Yeah YouTube does add an “and” as well but I do not hear the “and” in the quote. I’ve watched the movie many times and listened to the clip and I just don’t hear Jumba say “and.” So I wanted to point it out lol

If you do a web search for the Lilo & Stitch transcript, you’ll also notice the “and” is replaced with “—“ so I would have to agree with therMasterStitch.


No I watched it on DVR

No, I’m just saying YouTube does the same thing but it’s wrong

Mulan is still a bit bugged i suppose. I was up against a team with Mulan, but she did no damage. That’s weird because her green should have done so

Hiro could have dodged the cannon


Oh I forgot about that, since Mulan hits Hiro most of the times, but it is possible.

Sorry for my confusion!

While that does sound consistent with the way Jumba speaks, I think he actually does say the “and” in that line. It’s hard to hear because of the shuttle behind Jumba opening up, but you can see his lips and tongue move for the word “and”.

@Polaris I believe Basil was not tested with Animal equipped with Gonzo disk. The game lags pretty horribly then. Should be looked into imo.

Just tested, no lags.

The game can go into crawl when more characters are used.

Of course that varies, but I’ve used full team, and no single lag.

Well, you used Stitch, not Barbossa. Beast and Jack instead of Mr.I and Robin.

The thing is it lags with multiple hits. And Barbossa does pretty fast hits as well. Jack does multi and Beast smashes. That´s the problem.

What exactly is disabled? Tron still starts with energy from the disk.


This month rules in Challenger is so tough… I don’t use Invisible heroes so first rule does not really affect me, but 2nd and 3rd? My hands are totally tied here, with the limited number of my heroes invest in…

@Musketeer, I don’t think I can move to Division I (for obvious reasons), could you pls comeback and post picture of last rule of this month pls? :slight_smile: Thank you in advance


It should be everything, but the disks that grant energy are still performing that task. We’ll get that fixed in a future update!

Every time I try to make an attack in either Coliseum or Arena, no matter who I try to attack, no matter what heroes I use (even tried to use a single hero per fight to limit character animations), my phone crashes the instant I click fight. This has been going on for weeks. Any help please guys? This is getting somewhat frustrating

Blur out your Account ID

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This happens to me too. They keep saying they are working on it, but never make progress on this bug that has gone on for months.

@Polaris The Study from Basil’s white skill is not stacking Mosquito’s from Pleak’s Red Skill, please could this be looked at, seems like some fantastic synergy that we’re missing out on.

Please don’t tell us there is an exception here.


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