3.5.11 Known Issues Thread

Just was missed and it’ll be fixed most likely this afternoon


same with the epic city watch, same amount of red skill chips, didn’t increased.

Yes, those should also be increasing. Anything that normally increases will be.


I am actually thinking… does this piece of trash pay out 427 skill chips per drop as it should considering the description.

I would actually like to seen it give 3.5x the skill chips per drop minimum but oh well.

I made a thread about it and have raised a ticket but heard nothing yet sisus friend campaign is impossible to get anywhere with out the skip feature I belive, on 1.5 2/3 the skeleton is immune to fant and that’s all sisu and mushu can do at the minute I have them both maxed on skills and rank would love a fix for this as I need that reflect for her to be effective in my team.

Loutre has already confirmed that this will be addressed.


Triton disks seem to be incorrect.
One disk gives 50%+50% slow up to 250% slow?
While the other gives 1+0 seconds increase to his white. But 3rd star will give 1 sec :see_no_evil::man_shrugging:t3:

Both disks are so poorly made, I even wonder who is or are the hero designer(s) behind it.


I wonder this every time a new hero comes out… bad tenacity/evasion for a lot of new heroes and/or crappy crit stats :unamused:

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and most of badges to older heroes getting random stuff too, why gizmoduck or amelia needs reality negation, meanwhile vanellope needs it badly and gets nothing but useless for her normal crit.
all of the Sanderson sisters and basil’s badges are terrible too… bolt has fantastic crit… and more.

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Someone posted that they got three jackpots and I’m just wondering if that’s wrong to be getting 39,900 red skill chips @Loutre :thinking:

Because that’s way beyond maxing a red skill :thinking:

well. very good. red skills are way too costly.
but from what I know only the featured heroes can get jackpot, but what’s weird, it depends on the player, one gets jackpot for all 3 while others nothing.

There is definitely some math error involved, likely somewhere a number between 0 and 1 appears and so the “supposed gain” was divided by that small number.

Or a “1” turned 0.01 suddenly. 399 / 0.01 = 39,900. :wink:


anything regarding this deal…?

still didn’t appear and I would like to get more of them
or even knowing if it will appear anymore

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It was a deal for the holidays, but I let them know you would like to see it more.


just hoping it will be 200 one, as usual, it’s only 45 and well… it’s really not enough for $50, a poor value. :slight_smile:

thanks for passing, I hope to see it soon :pleading_face:


I thought the new one is 90 crates :thinking: Before it was 85… but yeah I want to get the 200 crate deal

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Madam Mim seems to be broken again against Tron


Actually @Musketeer Raymond here is right, but I believe the last one before the holiday ones was 100, not 90.

Do you know which user this is so we can check their account?

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