3.5 Known Issues Thread

We are not Disney, we are PerBlue.

We do listen to your feedback and concerns, but when it becomes “I will quit the game because of this” I am happy to remind players that it is ok to do that. If you do not like how something is going or being handled we are not holding anyone hostage. This is a free to play game and you are ok to stop playing and take a break especially if you are unhappy with something.


Okay, but you do get how “you don’t have to keep playing.” comes across as “we’re not changing anything, if you don’t like it, you can get lost.”, right?

Probably not the intention, but tensions be high right now, so it can be easy to take things a wrong way.


As I said above, this contest exploit abuse discussion is done. I’ll be marking any other conversations about it as off topic since it is not relevant to this thread.


I can’t believe my last comment was deleted.

I don’t want to discuss the contest at all. I only want to discuss how players are treated.

Posting again for my own screen shots when it is once again deleted.

Make a new thread for this please as it is not relevant in this thread. We are about to have a patch go out and I need this thread for it’s intended purpose of ingame bug issues.


Oh dear, it didn’t happen :sob:

Could the spotlight for all three sisters (or at least Sarah…) appear? :pleading_face:


We’re in a meeting now, but I will poke!


Got an update! I just missed the note that we were moving the crate to go live tomorrow and her spotlight will be tomorrow as well. I asked them to have it set to all three sisters, but not confirmed yet. You’ll have to wait till tomorrow to see!


Just want to say thank you for the team @Loutre , significant improvement after today’s update! :slight_smile:


Hi. I don’t know if this happens to others or not but sometimes AFTER completing a friend campaign stage, it says that I do not have enough friend stamina for that and reset my progress :flushed::flushed::flushed:

If i don’t have enough stamina, how could I start the fight?

@Loutre, could you and the team check pls? Friend campaigns are hard already, and I really don’t want it to be reset right after I clear it :roll_eyes::roll_eyes::roll_eyes: thanks

do you have exactly 6 stamina when you start the fight?

it happens to me when i have exactly 6 stamina, and lost the first fight
then i have 5 stamina, but the game allows me to retry the fight just with 5 stamina
but whatever the result, it wont be recorded at all, since the notification that says “not enough friend stamina” will show up


This is indeed the problem @Yunno. Basically when you have 6 friend stamina it lets you into the fighting screen, but somehow if you lose it still lets you into the fighting screen again. Only now you have 5 friend stamina… so you do the fight, game does the (5-6) calculation and since it´s a negative number, screams at you and pulls back to the state before the fight.

It happens this way for eternity, probably since friend campaigns were even introduced, not 3.5 specific.


I haven’t worked on new heroes for quite a while so haven’t paid attention to friend campaigns so I really didn’t know that…
So, now, before doing friend campaign, I need to make sure I have at least 6 stamina? :sweat_smile::sweat_smile::sweat_smile:

Sounds annoying…

That didn’t happen for some reason… :thinking:
Unless the crate appears not in the usual time.


There you go :slight_smile:

Was removed a few seconds later :wink:


It’s just because the Sarah one was turned on and off again real quick, but she’s back up.


It was funny because it was Furry Vanellope :joy:


I’m not trying to be a pain, but I do want to point out that the suspension is now not the only “punishment” some players are receiving. We will also be missing out on Sarah for who knows how long until the next time she is available, not to mention arena and coli promotions. Pretty disappointing.


She’s available right now…

Not for suspended players she’s not

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