3.5 Known Issues Thread

But there is a cooldown of 24 hours not sure the cooldown is there when creating a new guild

As if whales ever cared about someone else :roll_eyes:

Ngl the world would be a better place if they did.


Some do. I don’t know how many, but it’s not zero.


:thinking:HDL can’t use white skill after blue skill stops directly.

I’d like to here Perblues take on exploits like the duplicate guild contest. Can we exploit validation failures like this without reprocussion or will their be penalties? It’s a big deal to set the tone and not just ask some people to play nice while others exploit without recourse.


There is a couple of things wrong with the war UI

  • sometimes I click on the current war and it takes me to a war that had finished a month ago

  • sometimes when clicking war it shows no war is in progress I have to go back and click on it again to get the war to show up


We are working on a fix for the guild contest exploit.


Hello dear loutre
There’s something wrong with winifred white skill that it doesn’t activate sometimes especially in arena , actually i explain the bug more on my recent topic , I guess it’s a bug could you please check that also

Yes, I saw the other thread. I’m just catching up from things over the weekend. Team is aware and will be looking into it.


Someone in my guild said that they contacted support and said that those extra rewards were gonna be taken away… is this true @Loutre? :thinking:

We are still looking into a fix so I cannot say what we will do yet.

I do not recommend doing this as I do know that we do have a list of who has abused this and if caught using exploits or cheats in future they can be permanently banned.


Another old issue that I thought had been addressed earlier but which I’m still experiencing:

The red dot notification for trials and ports isn’t always working properly. Taking two examples since the most recent update, here’s the red dot showing up on my secondary account even though I can raid the newest, highest difficulty:

And here’s the lack of a red dot, this time on my primary account, even though (at the time) I hadn’t beaten the highest difficulty:

I haven’t noticed any pattern as to when the red dot will flake out and not work as expected; I’ve seen both problems on both accounts in both trials and ports. Is there any further information I can give, or that I can watch for, that might make it easier to track down the issue?


I just checked our bugs tracker and looks like this is an ongoing investigation with the notifications


OK, thanks for the update.

I forget if Facilier’s Maleficent disk is a passive buff or one to use an icon for because I don’t see the slow on damage enemies

How is this a violation of the ToS? Those ToS statements are vague and would require that PB notifies players that they deem an act as a violation in the first place. How else would a player know what is supposed to be part of the gameplay and what is not, if the players are never made aware that this act is deemed a violation in the first place?

The only statement that appeared was that a player needs to wait 24 hours when joining a new guild to receive guild contest rewards. How is one to know that PB doesn’t INTEND that to be part of the game, if all their messaging only states the 24 hour cool-down and all players abide by those guidelines?

All of the players waited the 24 hours as required by the developers… so without any direct statement to the players that is NOT an intended feature of the game, then a player is not in violation of said terms if they were never clearly defined or deemed as such. Otherwise, like any of the in-game features, it should be assumed to be a regular part of the gameplay, as all of the game content and features are constructed and implemented by the game developers.

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A passive :swan:

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There were in game messages that indicated they knew this was breaking the rules. How else are the game runners going to send a message not to pull a stunt like this again. I specifically didn’t do it because it’s clearly cheating.

You didn’t mention this but a majority of the people who did this claimed it was to send a message that they hate the long contests and that it’s a money grab. Some people work all weekend. It gives time to collect progress points. This was just completely disrespectful and there are plenty of other ways to be heard.

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You are just not supposed to Pay to Win multiple guild contest rewards, that´s an adverse effect of the contests being 6 days long. You won´t be able to do that in a 3 day one.

Well, as I pointed it out (they most likely won´t) you can go somewhat soft on them and just take away the “extra” items they were given… or if they have used them already, give them a negative penalty. However, I believe that if they went unnoticed and the team and you would find out yourself, the punishment would indeed be a permanent ban.

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Thanks a lot :pray: :heartbeat:

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