4.6 Known Issues

What does your districts contain hero wise? A bunch of old heroes or new heroes

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It’s completely mixed. But usually there is 1 particular newer hero in the mix which makes it hard to one-toon, if you have underdeveloped older heroes.
I personally won’t invest in underwhelming older heroes anymore to be able to clear 7 or 8 tiles more. Not worth the effort.

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Can the scaling of tenacity and evasion be changed on Jumba’s and Robin’s disks? They simply don’t work currently.


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Jumba gets 50 Evasion from his badges when maxed out so with the RG he goes up to 400 which is 50% effectiveness

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Sure, everyone must have him maxed to use evasion from disk which can be unlocked at around R10 ranks. He has no evasion before Y9.
What is the problem, why can’t they be independent like Bellwether, Cinderella, Phoebus. There is many ways to remove tenacity/evasion. And 50% is just… not much.

What happen to these refreshes, they were all great and now this, with decreased scaling and not working bonuses.


make it make sense pls. they are literally within 10m of each other. it just doesn’t have any rhyme reason or logic. @Nugget please can you just reverse the mess made with surge :frowning: it didn’t need to be touched tbh


After the update, my guild’s Surge has blown up and improperly scaled. The bottom half of the map is normal, but then a couple districts in the middle go from 300k power to 66 million. I can’t even finish one wave right now.


Yeah, regardless of the power bumping every time a tile is beaten - the scaling is all wrong in the first place.

We’ve now got very high ranked Yellows all throughout the board and even Y9 in tile 27, and the majority of our members can’t beat that. So yeah, the base scaling needs to change.

I think it’s probably weighted far too much on the power of our top power members (who clearly drive up our average Team Power), but our actual capability drops off quickly after them and it’s not taking that into account.


Hi Nugget, I’d like to hopefully add some context on how punishing this scaling is for active guilds.

For context I’m 1.7B power on server 21 which puts me 54th in the power rankings. I’m in the 3rd ranked guild on server for power. I SHOULD be able to farm/clear a bit more than the average player. I had read this topic earlier today and decided to log on ~2 hours before surge reset to see it for myself. Of the 12 raids I’m allotted in surge each day I only had adequate power to use one of them. My highest power team possible (104M) just barely cleared the lowest zone available. My next highest 5 (92M) nor the 185 heroes lower than them were strong enough to raid ANY of the zones.

I checked shortly after reset (~45 minutes) and all the zones are now in the ~45M range. So more than a 2x increase in power over the course of the day. That means that anyone in my guild who isn’t able to log on shortly after reset is going to have to deal with a mode that’s 2x harder. Subsequently their gold gain is going to be SIGNIFICANTLY nerfed from the old system while people who can log on near reset are probably either seeing no change or a net gain. Making your timezone (especially in an international guild like mine) a factor in how much gold you can generate is TERRIBLE design.

And that doesn’t even factor in that our weaker members probably can’t even participate at all. Currently the max hero rank on server is Y12 and when I looked earlier for us the weakest zone had Y17 heros. That’s a 25 level disadvantage AT MINIMUM. If that factor completely takes people in the top guilds out of being able to play the mode I can’t even imagine how it effects lower power guilds.

Also, can we hear more about the “exploit”? Because, in one of the most active guilds on server, where I tend to place top 5 in my guild for power cleared in surge, I still barely generate enough gold to keep up with badge crafting/skill leveling. Was being able to fight the same zone for reasonable gold gain labeled an exploit because it allowed players to play the game without having to use IAP to get gold?

I’m not trying to be antagonistic with that question, I’m just GENUINELY trying to figure out a reason for this change that doesn’t amount to trying to squeeze the player base for more money.

I’ve not been one of the doom and gloomers and I’ve tried to stay positive because there have been a lot of good changes recently, but this change puts a REALLY bad taste in my mouth.


About the surge issues

I have to agree that the power scaling seem to be… very flawed now.
However, I think the opponent lines being randomly generated instead of being picked from player lines is a great change, not having Zeus/Ian/Baymax etc. spam is such a relief

So maybe a better way to do it would be leaving the current lineup randomizer but reverting the changes about the team power of said lines

From what I know, the exploit involved players’ lines anyway. So having them be random should be enough to make it impossible to exploit


I let the team know about everyone’s concerns and we’ll be meeting about it tomorrow or Friday! But they are aware!


As we’re seeing you would all like us to hit that “reverse” button, but that doesn’t exist so Nugget has been amazing and brought up all the feedback to the team. We’re hoping to get that meeting tomorrow to discuss what changes they can make and how quickly they might be able to get them in. Unfortunately, timing isn’t always on our side so it may also not happen until Friday. We’re working on it though! The exploit issue was a more complicated code issue than a quick fix as well as I’ve seen some suggestions so that’s why we need to have a whole meeting to discuss with the entire team.


Sounds good!

Pls monitor the overall scaling relative to guild member’s useable power between now & then to figure where it can be improved, and consider what effect resetting the power bump when waves are cleared might have. :slight_smile:


The scaling up would be fine… if it only applied to a certain rank.

Considering most people hit 10-27 to get another wave etc. etc. maybe the Surge could work as City Watch?
with 1-5 being hard, 6-14 being medium and 15-27 being easy mode, with the “restricted heroes” that are for Easy and Medium City Watch?

Or like… different approach… maybe 1-5 could scale to max… 6-9 up to 5 ranks below cap, 10-14 up to 10 ranks below cap, 15-20 up to 15 ranks below cap and 21-27 only up to Y0 :thinking: or R10 for S21/25?

Or maybe the districts could scale upon some weighted average of a guildmate’s (total power per hero)… instead of team power? If it serves some role in calculations?

I got like 50 ideas for the team… though I protege 3-5 which seem the best…


Why not just leave 27-24 as non scaling so lower tier members can hit them and still partake but keep the scaling for the rest


Well, this problem was in the game from the introduction of red skill chips in Èlite Campaign. It’s almost 3 months long…

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The damage doesn’t exist in Italian…


That’s the point!

Oh. Ok I just understand

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Is your language set to Italian? I think it is.

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