4.6 Known Issues

Damage reduction from red skill also went down to 10% from 50%.

So it wasn’t finalised. (At least tier ranking is still same)


Seriously, Open X/All is needed is way more crates, no fun spending hours opening crates.

Good deal, but the thought of spending (long) time on opening these crates really pushes away from such purchases. Please think about our fingers! :laughing:


I wanted to update on this: Djali’s HP being lower was not intentional and will be updated to a higher amount, and Esmerelda’s green skill cooldown has been fixed so that she can summon Djali faster in waves!


What about scaling of damage on Jumba’s white skill, it’s a lot lower, even with increased BD from all sources it’s lower than before the nerf.

It was 700M damage and now 350M. And he gained about 100M BD, it doesn’t makes sense.


I full heartedly agree. The new system has its flaws! After 20-30 people go through Surge all the zones become impossible. First come - First serve. The other 20 people just lose. Another thing is that weak players in a strong guild have no chance to do any of the zones without Mercs. Overall strong players get more gold than before and weak players get less gold than before.

But this is a bug thread, its not a bug that zones get harder as you do them more.


Most of heroes feel that way @Nugget… not just Djali´s HP or Jumba… could the team check the most recent refreshed heroes please?


Can you please fix this? Even though the Prize Wall has started, it’s not fixed! I can’t always switch the language to see Phoebus’ damage…

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The team’s looking into it!


just to reiterate, in case you missed the request :stuck_out_tongue:


Ok, thanks.

I can conform the issue with the crafting tree. I have enough banked stamina to autocraft and am not able to do that. Screenshot attached.


Can you give more info on which Hero this is?

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It’s Shego.
A different item from the same tree has no issues.


Yeah, we are having a hard time recreating this. Can you submit a ticket ingame regarding this so we can get more info from your account?

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Sure thing. Will do.

Edit: Several items are effected. I looked through the crafting tree.
Ticket applied.


What’s up with Pacha? If he was using his White skill, then why wouldn’t he reach 0? Would there be an unremovable Berserk buff that surpasses stacks of Fatigue while doing his White skill animation?

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It has always worked like this and if seems to be intended. There are certain abilities that once started need to finish before the hero can be killed. It gets funny when their attack speed drops to 0, they just stay frozen forever :slight_smile:

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And I believe that’s a known issue. @Loutre, or @Nugget, could you pin that?

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@Loutre @Nugget Any word on the Amazon update? Will there be anything to make up for missing 2-3 days so far of daily rewards?

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All i know, nugget will post when the amazon update is out.

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