4.7 Known Issues

Could you send me screenshots for those please?


That’s why I asked how it calculated!!! Because it’s not same numbers on winning or losing!!

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They wont tell us exactly how it is calculated
But i gave you an explanation within 2 points variance
Surely that is enough?



Massive lag continues on Server 1 every time shops refresh
That is 4 times a day that players cannot do anything ingame for 15-20 minutes

Is this being looked at?

Seriously getting frustrated if I only have 15 minutes to play due to a break at work or on the bus, and now I cant do anything for 15 minutes…

On the plus side, it gives me 15 minutes 4x a day to look for a new game…

Also, can the team please stop telling players it is our internet
It is impossible that 100s of players over 6 continents using 100s of different service providers can have the same 15 minutes of internet disruptions…


it was lagging out for me yesterday at 4pm GMT (2h before invasion start) for around 20 mins, and there’s no particular refreshing or events that start/end at that time other than deals :thinking:

s1 feels seriously underpowered for the load it’s got on it atm


There is actually:

Deals also affect it

3pm GMT is only deal refreshes too


Here you go

Screenshot 2023-02-28 at 10.49.34
Screenshot 2023-02-28 at 11.00.23


The MMR of the two guilds were identical
Therefore I believe the 18 points normally lost was adjusted down to 17 to compensate


The bottom is 13 to let you know even though its hard to see


How do I submit a ticket?


Go to ingame support?


Where’s that?



See the help section of the FAQ

You would have also got this information when you first started your game


Got it.

I know I was up to something. The first and second rules have been reversed from where they ought to be. For the first rule in weeks 1-4, Attackers cannot use heroes in battle if that hero is in the defender lineup, so the second rule in weeks 2-4 had to be where normal critical hits are disabled.

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On the one hand, guilds won’t start a season with 0 MMR; the top 10 guilds will start in the range of 610-700 MMR, with other guilds ranking below that in some vaguely-specified manner.

On the other hand, mid-power guilds, and more than a few high-power ones, will probably need to win 8 or 9 wars to reach Legendary rank, so yes, we can expect to see a lot fewer guilds reaching that level.

On the third hand, rewards are much improved over the old War Crates, so even guilds that win just a few wars per season will almost certainly see an increase in what they get.

On the fourth hand, the rewards for Legendary are significantly greater than the rewards for other ranking tiers; as it looks like everyone that starts with an MMR less than around 540 will be hard pressed to reach Legendary, the new rewards system seems destined to be another case of “them as has, gets”.

On the fifth han-- nah, I’ve carried that gag too long already. Anyway, I’m not saying the new system is garbage give us back the old one right now or else, but I am concerned with the way things are shaping up. While it’ll take a few months of using this new system to really determine how well it does in recognizing guilds that try hard and play war well, I do think it’s already clear that it would be helpful to raise the rewards for at least the Platinum and Challenger tiers.


It’ll also use the consumables without my consent. Sometimes I save some and when I come back to the game, my skill points are at like 100 and my consumables are gone. Now I have none left but I didn’t want to use them… It happened a few times to me this week. Can that be fixed? I want to keep my skill points consumables and let the skill point refill on their own with time like it’s supposed to.


Some of my comments were not friendly (not in my opinion but hey) so they were hidden, fine. But now even the normal ones are hidden too? What in the world…???:roll_eyes::roll_eyes::roll_eyes:

And about the new war system, isn’t the reason Perblue came up with it because people complained that it was hard for them to reach legendary because of bad matchmaking?

Now, they made it even harder to do that? I don’t see logic in these decisions, tbh​:roll_eyes::roll_eyes::roll_eyes:

All in all, it is still new, so maybe things can be better than they seem. It just that, our guild hasn’t had any trouble reaching legendary (lucky us) in a really long time with old system. And now, all of a sudden, we have? Hardly call that an improvement


…Yeah, there’s definitely been a few comments flagged lately for seemingly no reason than someone didn’t like PerBlue’s actions being questioned. That’s a very counter-productive way of dealing with criticism; people need to be able to bring up complaints, and if they get punished for doing so when they’re polite, what incentive do they have to not be rude and aggressive?

That’s been one of the main complaints about war for years, yes. If PerBlue makes it harder to make Legendary but increases the rewards enough so that guilds get more stuff even if they end up in a lower tier than before, I’m OK with that; I’m just worried about the rewards in Legendary being so much greater than the rewards for even the next-highest tier, and about the effects that may end up having on the game.


PerBlue knows that the “so much greater” rewards are totally useless for whales and dolphins though.

There are random chips.
Middle drop booster gives TEN PERCENT more Skill Chips, Gold and Hero XP.
Like… LOL


MMR - right now seems to be working as far as how much you get from Wars. The calculation is based on how the Guilds are ranked against each other. You’ll get more MMR if you win against a Guild that’s higher than you, but could also lose a lot if you don’t win. If Guilds are pretty close, it’s not as high stakes in regards to the MMR.

We’re keeping an eye on feedback and will consider making some adjustments if the overall sentiment is that it’s frustrating and not fun and challenging.

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