5.9 Known Issues

Not to mention the E6 message about badges came far too late and people were effectively robbed $ for whatever deal they purchased and used in good faith. Only to see it being useless at the end.


So, in a roomful of people who run the game, the best solution to the problem was to punish the player base for your mistakes? I’m trying to understand the logic in that idea. Cause that’s what it is. Decrease the amount of stamina to be bought with money. That’s what has gotten out of hand. The amounts earned naturally within the game aren’t. To increase the stamina cost of E6 badges punishes everyone greatly. Especially the F2P. To say, “for the longevity of the game”. You can’t be remotely serious when saying that. At least, not with a straight face. Enjoying driving those nails into the perverbial coffin.


I am trying to look behind this quote and only thing I get is that if amounts earned naturally were “too high” that means the revenue is low.
Because there’s no other explanation for that. We got “too much for free”.


Translation: The whales who spent money on stamina deals had way too much stamina saved up and stopped buying as many deals per month. We created a way to try and reduce their hoard and it will take a couple months to wipe them out completely, but we really need them to be buying the stamina deals more regularly and this was the only way we could think to “fix” it without just going in and taking it away from their accounts. Everyone else will have to be patient until we get all the banked up stamina out of the game, and then we will make an adjustment in the future to allow everyone else to play again, but only after we wipe out, I mean, rebalance the stamina economy issue.


Here’s my guess:

-PB only knows how to substantially improve the game by adding more toons

-Recently with the crippling lag they realized their game architecture can’t support doing that past a threshold they are now at

-As a quick fix they added a ton of extra compute resources and now it’s costing them a fortune

-They can’t re architect their code

-They don’t know what to change to other than just keep adding new toons

-So, they 10x the cost of everything, hope they lose less than that purchasing players

-Keep in mind, with a 10x increase they can lose 89%!! of purchasing players and still make MORE

And then here we are. They will continue to make money or they won’t on this title, but what they do know is they can’t justify the $ needed to actually fix it. I assume their dev team now exclusively focused on another title. Hard part there is finding an IP partner like Disney. But they must have? Or their owners are fine to move on to another venture.


The stamina for badges wouldn’t be so bad if we didn’t need 1k bits at 10k stamina for 1 badge, like why can’t it be 10k stamina and only need 50 bits for a badge instead 1k+? @TheGrillFather that’s still half a million stamina minimum to craft a badge :man_shrugging:t2:

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@TheGrillFather so you guys not gonna fix the insane cost of crafting 1 hero and you will just keep it like this ? No one with a minimum common sense is going to spend 52 m stamina (it includes double drop) for one hero, it’s just way too much. You could have simplified the badge tree without increasing the cost, it would have been ten times better!


Like I said I still call BS
 Heres how it is now. I just sold ALL my badges and Bits.
This is to get all 6 badges for Shere Khan from E5 to E6:

Similarly to get all badges for Eda Clawthorne E6 to E7:
Thats a massive difference. Free players can expect 2m per day of free stamina, 3m if they spend 100 diamonds a day. Meaning we have gone from completing 1 character every 3 Days, to taking 35 Days.

As a joke to get Luz from 0 to E6 only takes 32m Stamina


Not at all! DH is still a strong focus for us, and a game we would like to see live a long lifespan. The recent changes with the Badge System has been excellent at improving game performance, which was our priority since moving aside hero balance to make sure the game is functional.


I would rather have lag and be able to keep up with ranks than the game work perfectly and me be unable to keep up, I really hate this change, definitely makes me not want to spend. If you guys put it back I think most would be happy. Like I have pointed out here 5.9 Known Issues - #84 by Waiting_for_Nick_Rework

150 Million for 6 badges is insane, makes it so hard to keep up with ranks especially when you have to do 20-30 toons


I don’t think anyone can disagree that a more simplified badge tree will (and currently is), ease up the lag. The problem is not that.

The problem is going from 15 stamina per fight to 9350. This is making people not wanting to spend or even continue playing.

During the first day of the change it appeared that the team was open to this criticism and was open to tone it down. But now it seems we are talking to deaf ears.

The team keeps saying that it should get better by the next updates. The problem is that next cap should happen in 4 weeks, give or take, how many players would have left or stop spending by then?

I’m not in any way saying that chapter 78 should be put down to 15 Stam. We understand that simplifying the badge tree would lead to more expensive raids, but we never expected a 62000% increase in cost.


Now, to raid the elite campaign in chap 78, we need 700k stamina. That will only get worse as more chapters get released

So never mind with Elite raid all feature. We don’t have that much stamina


Is this because people are making significantly less raids than before? :stuck_out_tongue:

I’ve not played the new chapter at all - and beyond 1 playthrough to read the story, probably never intend to


This is what really scares me
@TheGrillFather we need to heard, become if you guys don’t listen to us than people stop spending and the game dies. We aren’t complaining just to complain, we literally can’t keep up this way


You have a lot of problems in the game that need to be solved: I will not write about the balance of the characters - it is disgusting. Let’s see if you keep your word or not when you promise to put the balance in order. Will there be a reworking of buffs and debuffs on the character? This has been written about a lot of times, but there was no answer to this. There should be a limit to increasing the character’s speed to 150-200%. I repeat: we periodically see how one hero uses the white skill to the very end of the arena, gaining a huge attack speed. The reflection should be returned as before the last reflection update. You have trampled many characters into the mud with this change. The problem was not that, but that buffs and debuffs depended on increasing and decreasing the character’s speed. As a result, we saw fights where the reflection hung for the whole fight instead of 5-10 or 15 seconds. Buffs and debuffs must be recycled and subside according to the battle timer. Further. We need new content. Not new tests, there is nothing interesting in them, it is the new content.
Will there be an update of the old content? Beating bosses for 5 years is already boring. Let us know if there are any plans for any of this, since the game is already boring and you want something new, and not to play the old modes again.


Thanks for taking one for the team.

But at what cost? As LowkeySmallz demonstrated, it costs over 13 times as much stamina to craft all of a hero’s E6 badges as it does to craft all their E5 badges from scratch, and over 3 times as much as all of the previous ranks’ badges. And we’ll have to start over from scratch for E7 and E8 and every other rank going forward.

I haven’t even bothered to promote anyone to E6 yet because of this charlie foxtrot, but maybe Wish Crates will give badges of that rank, which will definitely be a significant help if so. And of course, in four weeks we’ll be able to get those badges from Badge Booster Crates – the supply of which has been decreased for all but the top 1% or so of players, so, yeah, feeling really good about that now, thanks. Maybe these resources will help mitigate this absurd increase
 but making it so that F2P players can at best get new rank badges for two of their heroes per month from stamina does not seem to me like a healthy stamina economy to build on.


At this moment, they do not


Wish crates don’t drop emerald badges in general unfortunately
 pointed it out before but it was ignored
Same issue badge crates used to have, except that one was fixed much faster

Altough now it wouldn’t do that much, they’d need to drop the last rank ones too for it to matter


The last screen of Wish Crate information in-game states that “badges chosen will be for Ranks near the maximum Rank you have reached on any hero”. That’s vague enough I thought that it might be possible for badges to drop for the top rank, but if they aren’t even dropping for any Emerald rank

I think it’s time to acknowledge this game has gone fully P2W; all I can hope is that it doesn’t drift further in to P2P territory.


Please reduce stamina costs in CH78+, over 100M without double drops for 1 hero is completely insane, you will just going to lose players this way and it was said you plan to run the game for much longer, but with such actions, it won’t happen. There was enough comments from players in the forum and discord, please listen to players and reduce the prices. You released a very good hero now, plenty of new players came, but they won’t stay here long if they notice how expensive and chaotic the game gets later. Insane how it’s 4th day and nothing happened.
1 raid should cost at max 1k stamina.


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