5.9 Known Issues

That + the common badge should require way less bits, and it’d be mostly fine

Also I need to specify this likely isn’t intentional, like it wasn’t intentional for badge crates

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Не работает почтовый ящик в игре, при нажатии игра зависает и выбивает. Который день не могу получить награду за Колизей, арену и двоих конкурсов

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Given that they haven’t corrected it after several months, I suspect they don’t have any plans to.


Okay, this isn’t technically an issue per say and more me expressing my general bafflement but… why are Arena keys part of the 3 star rewards for the Dragon trials? They are literally worthless because they expire in half a week and all they do is let you get the same score you’d get at the end of the week slightly quicker.


I agree, though our feedback is falling on Deaf ears, @TheGrillFather and @Cherry_VII have gone silent. Honest to god don’t understand because this is killing the game, you have your spenders refusing to spend, which in turn kills you game. The lag wasn’t worth all this!


There won’t be any lag when everyone quits cause you sucked the fun out of the game


That’s one problem solved


Why bring out such drama?


Or just 15 stamina for the normal campaign.


Well then do not. Make a difference.

@TheGrillFather could the team at least make the Wish Crates give Emerald Badges? Or that was never intended to happen?
Or… are Wish Crates also in the need of toning down?


Dude it’s a good idea, because I hate all the recipes it takes, that needs to be fixed, but the amount of stamina it costs is ridiculous.


That’s smart perblue! Your gonna get rid of lag, money, and players! @TheGrillFather @Farmer_Louie_LIX


Honest to God they just wanna ruin the darn game!


Yes, since this change I’ve stopped spending and I am finding the game much less fun. Still trying to give it time, but I fear I may end up retiring here as a result.

@TheGrillFather just a data point for your company. I know Im only one player, you do see lots of other people saying the same though.


Obviously. Too many resources were being given away for merely playing the game, instead of spending.


I hope they can

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@TheGrillFather the week is past… you guys turn it back now to a normail ammount… the deals also are getting worse by day.


This text needs updating.
Should be Free and Premium. Not just premium.


@TheGrillFather do you actually know there is one 100% useless Emerald+5 badge bit that can be eradicated from the game?

Because, as you remember, Emerald+5 was also revolutional for including 3 big badges. And likely it was not enough so Emerald+6 got where we are now.
However, since Emerald+5 had 6 badge bits (2 for the last badge). The “other 4”… well one crafts 3 badges, second one 2 badges, third one 1 badge and fourth one zero. Because 3+2+1=6, the amount of “Wave 1” Emerald+5 badges that use Emerald+5 bits.


I have been somewhat active in the discussion on Discord but here is a sample of the real challenge faced by F2P in the “new economy” I set out to earn the stat badge only for an E6. It took me a total of 11 days raiding max every chance that I could (and I sign in a lot!) As well as all of my 3 times daily free stamina and my daily 100 gems of stamina purchases. In the 11 days I also had to use 9 of my 18 backpacks and 11 of my 71 4x stamina packs. Based on this it will take 2 months to get one badge each for my Arena team…over four months to get a single badge for my 15 Coli heroes and something like one and a half years to get a single badge for all 70 of my Emerald 5 toolns. This is ONE BADGE EACH (yea…ok…maybe 2 with ancillary badge earnings) by this point there will have been a half dozen or more cap raises and I will have quit the game I love. … think about it … seriously do think about it…

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