Arena Challenger Bug Fix


I usually always go up, but honestly, I was disappointed with this, the best thing would be to reset everything, apart from the score that was doing well, sad that, in addition to that, they merge the server, but they do not increase the number of vacancies to go up, so much coliseum and invasion, I’m going to stop spending on the game, I’ve stopped for two weeks without buying anything, perblue is a joke with serious players


One last time, take it up with PerBlue:

And with that, I bid you adieu.


Then you got lucky, and the proper response would be to contact PerBlue support and say, “Hey, this doesn’t look right, can you check it out?” Some players did that; most didn’t.

I mean this is pretty much it. If you build a line to take advantage of the “HP Remaining” rule and end up with several thousand points instead of a couple thousand, then great, it worked! If, instead, you wind up with millions or even billions of points, it should be ridiculously clear that you’ve stumbled upon a scoring bug.


@Samm @Polaris

I highlighted it in a support ticket too, but just want to bring your attention to the previous time something like this happened:

The points were reset so everyone were on equal ground to finish the week.

What is different this time?

PS: please forward the feedback that this could be a pivotal point for players in whether we should start looking for something else to spend our time and money on.


That time they managed to fix Joy’s red skill, now after 4/5 months still not, the times are clearly different (and worse).


I am not referring to Joy’s red skill still being broken

They reset everyone’s Challenger points to 0, so that everyone has to use the keys again to fight the daily chances.

This should be done now too.


… I am pointing out that PB did care before, and now not.

But don’t worry, we’re not alone, Mirrorverse has a bug which makes Raids and Dungeons unplayable, and it’s been 2 weeks and no sign of improvements.



Its really sad though

But upwards and onwards to new stuff then :slight_smile:


It would not surprise me at all if everyone on the relevant teams back then has left the company by now, and so they don’t have anyone right now who would know how to reset the scores and return attack chances. It seems to be a common management belief, across many industries, that you can replace a three-year project veteran with a newcomer at 60% of the pay and get the same productivity.


Either that or underpay the veterans and thinking they will stay for that salary forever. It´s basically the same reasoning.

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Tbh it started in divison 5 not three 2 were doing it in mine. Are you suggesting I don’t find the issue and use it myself to get up to divison.3? That would mean I didn’t promote how was that fair. The truth is and you don’t like it and won’t accept it. It was reported in division 5 act quicker like they used to. Stop if in division 5. And remove rule for divison 3. Before we even started divison 3 week. So im sorry.i refuse to stay in divison 5 because they didn’t act fast enough.

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How do they cheat? It’s simple no one cheats if you are savvy like one player in my guild. He spots the quick kills and hits them 1st if they change lines he wins. He isn’t going to leave an easy win till later. Its that simple. He’s good enough to spot them. He doesn’t need anyone to cheat. Maybe you don’t see the quick.kills and hit them 1st tbh that’s your mistake.

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Missing the point most people did report it including me in divison 5 it took 5 days part of divison 5 and 3 for them to respond. How is that the players fault. They didn’t care about disk bug 8 9 months you think they care about this? Not really.

Again your at least being truthful. Unlike some.

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Not cheating how can you cheat with a system that per blue designed with heroes they designed and with a points system they designed lol. It’s not cheating unless you hack game etc.

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You could have quoted all of that in a single post or two, making 9 posts at the same time is very spammish.


You can’t unlock 6 or 9 with 3 keys, that’s how they cheat, they give one of them 3 targets, next day those 3 will change and your friend won’t be able to hit them because he doesn’t know who of the 6 or the 9 will change defense and they will continue doing this next day


the correct thing would be, of those who made billions or points out of the ordinary, reset them, on my main account, I’m 7 both, normal score, I was disappointed not to go up, but in the other two that I have I used the bug, so I repeat, of those who took advantage, reset all scores, and leave those who have normal scores like me, I’m being impartial


But perblue doesn’t even care, they think giving 100 diamonds will ease the situation

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