Behind the story, fan made

That’s great. Take your time

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Lion king

News on the future board

The original post is running out of room in this contest, get one of your work on the OG post,


1: one submission each.
2: Make it appropriate.
3: It can be a story on a story I already made or I’m planning.

This I not a ripoff of the character concept contest.

Anyone can make one.

Be Respectful

No winnings or prize

I’m the only one judging so it may take time.


No set time but keep in mind of this post for it.
And don’t post until I say it has started.

If you have questions don’t forgot to ask.

Come check it out!


I don’t think the contests started yet, but you can save this and reply again later! Just a heads up


Lol I Got So Excited I Didn’t Even Read The Last Part! :rofl:


Haha, no the event isn’t here yet. But in time, maybe a long time but in Time.

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What should I do after the event?

  • Frozen.
  • Lilo and stitch (attempt 2)
  • The nightmare before Christmas.

0 voters

I’m doing frozen!
The date for the contest August 25, ends September 1.

Get ready!

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Do we post it here,or do we have to make our own post?

You can choose but if you do @ please I don’t get every new topic.

What does that mean?

You can make your own post and if you do mention @Underthesea so I know you made it.
Or you can post it here.

Alrighty then

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Event has now started!

Let’s go! Let’s get the party started

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Villians (Upgrade version)

(It all started when Scar is prowling along the tall grass hunting for its next meal. Unfortunately, Scar trip on something, which it cause its victims fled successfully. Scar didn’t know what trip him until he realize that there’s a key at front of him. He picked up the key,and went back to Maleficent lair to tell her about the key he find.)

Maleficent: What is it this time,furball?

Scar: Your majesty. I found this key while I was prowling for my next meal,and I have no idea where it lead to.

Maleficent: Key you say? Hand it to me.

(Scar handed her the key. Just then out of nowhere, Hades came up from the underworld to see what’s going on.)

Hades:Gee la weez, what’s all this nonsense about?

Ursula: It looks like a that he just found.

Jafar: A key you say. Perhaps there’s a lock to it. It’s just a plain key. Throw it away.

(Suddenly,the key began to shake)

Ursula: The key began to shake!

Maleficent:Stop! This key may lead to a new world were we can rule anything we want. Scar,lead the way!

Scar: Yes,your majesty.

(The villians began to move to find out where it leads to, until there’s a door at front of them. Without a word, they began to go in.)

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Reading these has inspired me to write out a Fan Fiction type story about the characters.

Mind if I post it here?

Sure, I love reading other peoples

I’m not really able to write in script format, so I made a Ralph and Vanellope one. In story format I hope that is ok.

“So how’s the Arcade? Everything still going smooth?” Vanellope giggled in a sarcastic tone of voice, holding a dark pink cellphone in her hand, eyes glued to the sleek screen.

The internet was as crazy as ever. People zooming about in a technicolor rainbow of self-absorbed missions. Everyone out for themselves or at least lost in their own little world, Ralph sat upon the edge of a nearby fountain in his usual clothes.

Most of the time Vanellope was ecstatic to see him during these surprise visits to the internet. Yet he had a feeling that this time she was a bit distracted. His dark brown hues watching the little racer pacing about in front of him, her lips curled into a playful smile as she seemed to read something humorous on her phone.

“Things are fine I guess. Felix keeps inviting me to these Meet N Greets, says I need to work on finding myself someone to connect…” Ralph noticed the spunky girl giggling to herself off near the internet’s railing.

“In fact, I met someone, her name’s Lara Croft…” Ralph rolled his eyes slightly to his friend.

“That’s awesome Ralph!” Vanellope shot him a half-amused reply.

“I fought Bowser to death to date her…” Ralph narrowed his eyes.

“That’s my boy!” Vanellope began a new text.

“In fact, I found out I’m related to Frogger!” Ralph stood up with a bit of an annoyed look, placing his oversized hands on his hips sternly.

“Awesome Ral…HEY!” Vanellope squealed in a shocked tone, Ralph plucking the tiny phone out of her hands.

“You haven’t been listening to a word I’ve said, Kid!” Ralph held the phone up high above his head, Vanellope pouting as she made several feeble jumps at her phone.

“Totally not true, Stink Brain!” Vanellope huffed turning around cutely in an adorable pout.

“Ok, then what happened!?” Ralph raised a bushy brow.

“Uhhh, you’re dating Frogger? After Lara and Bowser fought to the …death?” Vanellope scrunched her nose in confusion, Ralph frowning before tossing the girl her phone.

“I’ll visit again later.” Ralph plunged both hands into his pockets, stomping off in a bit of a huff.

His massive footsteps echoing for miles in the confines of the open internet. Vanellope quickly stuffing her phone into her hoodie. Using a tiny hand to smooth out her messy brunette locks, glitching through the crowds at top speeds to catch her friend.

“Oh c’mon Ralph! Things are always moving online, if I’m not up to date then I might as well be obsolete!” Vanellope suddenly glitched in front of the large grumpy man, his annoyed frown turning a tad angry.

“So I’m obsolete now?” Ralph snorted like a warthog.

“Kinda?” Vanellope shrugged in a deadpan voice sheepishly.

Ralph never spoke a word before he pushed ahead into the crowd. Vanellope sighing in utter defeat as she fished out her cellphone. The little racer holding the electronic lifeline up high above her head, yelling after her friend in an apologetic voice.

“If it makes you feel better, I’ll delete my messages!” Vanellope felt her chipper grin fading into a saddened frown.

Ralph could hear the regret in her voice, his heart aching at the mere mention of her deleting her stuff over him. Turning around he gave a soft sigh and shuffled back to his friend, kneeling in front of her before lifting her chin with his behemoth of a finger.

“You don’t need to do anything like that. I just sometimes feel like you don’t need me anymore…” Ralph let his gaze fall towards his bare feet.

“Never say that! We might be on different racetracks, but I’ll always need my Big Doody friend!” Vanellope giggled joyously, leaning forward to embrace her friend in a tight hug.

The moment of warmth broken as a red flash of light struck down next to the duo. Vanellope letting a loud yelp of surprise escape her lips, Ralph shielding his eyes as the light dimmed and an odd creature came into focus.

It was glitching in and out similar to Vanellope. Wearing some kind of fighters garb that looked like a torn Karate Gi, clutched in a bulky fist was an odd-looking bat of sorts. This creature didn’t look quite right, wobbling side to side scrambling out of focus.

“Whose this Brute!?” Vanellope watched on in awe, whispering over to Ralph with a look of uncertainty.

The Brute quickly locking onto the little racer, zipping over in a series of glitches at a lightning pace.

“Hey, that’s my move!” Vanellope blew a loud raspberry to the creep.

“Purge… errors!” The Brute lifted his bat to strike the girl.

Vanellope gasped in horror as he struck at her with the force of a moving train. She could just wince in place, luckily being scooped up by Ralph who rolled them both out of harm’s way.

“PuRgE!” The Brute screamed towards the duo, pointing his weapon towards them in a fiery rage.

“Stay back buddy! I’m a professional wrecker!” Ralph held his hands up defensively, standing in front of his friend to protect her.

“ErRoR!” It hissed swinging the bat wildly, taking steps forward in anger.

“You’re pushing it…” Ralph warned.

The Brute suddenly rushed the duo in an attack stance, Ralph lifting both his hands above his head clutched into mighty oversized fists.

“I’M GONNA WRECK IT!” Ralph screamed, waiting for the perfect moment to strike.

The creep slung his cricket bat at Ralph’s head, who easily dodged the lumbering slow attack. Two massive fists crashing down on the creature, the Brute exploding out into a cluster of red sparks before de-rezzing into nothing.

The soft clink of metal toppled to the floor, an odd golden key glittering into view. Vanellope, of course, spotting this rare drop in a matter of seconds, dashed over to pick it up.

“Kid, put that down!” Ralph gasped for air, that creature catching him entirely off guard.

“I think that thing was an enemy from a game?” Vanellope held up the key slyly, DHBM engraved on the side of its golden surface.

“What is that a Beta Key!?” Ralph felt a sinking feeling deep in his gut.

“Duh! For an awesome-sauce game I bet, and we can check it out first!” Vanellope giggled bouncing around her friend excitedly.

“You want to go towards the crazy glitched out weirdos?” Ralph shook his head in worry.

“Please!? You’re ten times scarier than whatever’s in there I bet!” Vanellope flashed her best big-eyed puppy dog pout.

“Gee thanks.” Ralph frowned.

He knew he should draw the line, he could feel something bad was on the horizon. Yet seeing his friend flashing him that adorable pout, weakened his resolve and forced his hand. Nodding he agreed to help her check it out.

After all, a peek wouldn’t hurt, right?


Contest Entry
Maui- Hey Moana! I was cruising past an old island and I found this gold key laying on top of it

Moana- I wonder where it leads to?

Maui- I don’t know but there’s a door behind you and it may go to that!

Moana- Um I guess we can, here let’s see…

(Moana And Maui Walk through the door, into DHBM)

Good job everyone, I really like reading these

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