Bernard Concept (Likely-ish)

Bernard (The Santa Clause, 1994)

Santa’s head elf is always ready to lend a hand in combat. Or maybe just boss his allies around.

“Excuse me, are we on a coffee break?”

Stars: :star:

Type: Frontline Control

Trials Team: Blue Team

Entrance: Bernard walks in with his hands in his pockets and slightly hunched over.

Victory: Bernard smirks smugly.

Defeat: Bernard vanishes into a cloud of red, green, and white confetti.


Basic Attack:
Normal Damage :fist:
Bernard throws a snowball at a random enemy.

:white_circle: White Skill: “Productivity Boost”
Bernard begins shouting commands, increasing the attack speed and movement speed of all allies by 200% until his energy runs out. While channeling this skill, Bernard cannot basic attack or activate other skills. Once Bernard’s energy runs out, Bernard and all allies heal X health and gain 3 stacks of Determination.

Allies above level Y will only gain 1 stack of Determination.

:green_circle: Green Skill: “E.L.F.S.”
Bernard deploys up to three E.L.F.S. agents to descend on the three random enemies with buffs, stealing up to 3 random buffs and applying them to Bernard for 8 seconds. Enemies with buffs stolen are Limited and Confused for 9 seconds.

Confusion has a chance to fail on enemies above level X.

:large_blue_circle: Blue Skill: “Snowball Barrage”
Fantastic Damage :sparkles:
A barrage of snowballs are launched at the enemy team from behind Bernard, dealing X fantastic damage to every enemy and Freezing three random enemies for 8 seconds.

:purple_circle: Purple Skill: “Commanding Presence”
Upon entering each wave, Bernard Scares and Distracts all enemies for 12 seconds. All enemies have their skill power decreased by X for 14 seconds.

:red_circle: Red Skill: “Elfcon 1”
Anytime Bernard or an ally fall below 50% of their max health, that ally’s movement speed and attack speed are increased by 100%.

The first three times per wave that Bernard or an ally fall below 50% of their max health, that ally gains +500 energy.

The first time per wave that Bernard or an ally fall below 10% of their max health, that ally becomes Berserk for 12 seconds.

Additional Stat Boosts:

  • +X max energy

  • +Y skill power

  • +Z “Productivity Boost” healing


Bernard and Kristoff & Sven: Snowball Fight!!

Deal damage over time to frozen enemies

Disk Power

  • +X skill power to Bernard and all allies

  • +Y “Snowball Barrage” damage


  • While Bernard is on the battlefield, Frozen enemies take damage every second. When Bernard or any ally Freezes an enemy, the Freeze lasts for 1/2/3/4/5 additional seconds

Allies: Scott Calvin, Nostalgia, Zazu

Bernard and Charlie Calvin: Holly Jolly

Apply stolen buffs to allies when they’re weak

Disk Power

  • +X max health

  • +Y “Productivity Boost” healing


  • “E.L.F.S.” now applies the stolen buffs to Bernard and any ally below 15%/30%/45%/60%/75% or their max health

Allies: Powerline, Joy, Abu

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