Nostalgia Concept (Likely)

Nostalgia (Inside Out 2, 2024)

Despite her unexpected arrival in the city, Nostalgia is an excellent ally on the battlefield.

“Yeah… those were the days.”

Stars: :star:

Type: Backline Support

Trials Team: Yellow Team

Entrance: Nostalgia slowly hobbles in.

Victory: Nostalgia looks around, smiling.

Defeat: Nostalgia looks around, confused.


Basic Attack:
See passive.

:white_circle: White Skill: “Remember When…”
Passive: For her basic attack, Nostalgia takes a sip of tea, healing herself for 10% of her max health and gaining 1 stack of Sentiment. Nostalgia can have up to 10 stacks of Sentiment.

Active: Nostalgia begins reminiscing cheerfully, consuming up to 10 stacks of Sentiment. For each stack of Sentiment consumed, Nostalgia adds 1 second to all active buffs on herself and her allies. All allies also gain X skill power for 10 seconds. Any ally with 5 or less active buffs after this skill power increase is granted an additional Y skill power for 10 seconds.


:green_circle: Green Skill: “Fond Memories”
Nostalgia adjusts her glasses, granting Nostalgia and all allies +100 energy, plus an additional +40 energy per stack of Sentiment she has. If Nostalgia has at least 5 stacks of Sentiment, all allies also have their Green skill cooldown reset.

Initial energy gain has a chance to fail on allies above level X.

:large_blue_circle: Blue Skill: “Good Times”
Nostalgia sips her tea and smiles widely, healing herself and all allies X health per stack of Sentiment she has when this skill activates. All allies also have their attack speed increased by 10% per stack of Sentiment she has when this skill activates for 16 seconds.

:purple_circle: Purple Skill: “Far Too Early”
Nostalgia enters the battlefield after 15 seconds of combat has elapsed, Cleansing all allies, granting +250 energy to herself and all allies, and healing all allies for X health upon entering.

:red_circle: Red Skill: “Rose-Tinted Glasses”
When Nostalgia enters each wave, Nostalgia and all allies gain X skill power for 30 seconds. This skill power buff is doubled if Nostalgia enters the second wave of combat, and tripled if she enters the third wave of combat.

Whenever an enemy uses their White skill, that enemy is Blinded for 8 seconds.

If an ally is KO’d, all enemies are Blinded for 12 seconds and all allies are Cleansed and have their Green and Blue skill cooldowns reset.

Additional Stat Boosts:

  • +X skill power

  • +Y max health

  • +Z “Good Times” healing


Nostalgia and Joy: Beaming With Joy

Reset Blue skill cooldowns with “Fond Memories”

Disk Power

  • +X max health to Nostalgia and all allies

  • Enemies lose -Y tenacity

  • Enemies lose -Y evasion

  • +Z reality


  • Nostalgia and all allies have 12%/24%/36%/48%/60% improved healing. If Nostalgia has at least 5 stacks of Sentiment when she activates “Fond Memories”, Nostalgia and all allies also have their Blue skill cooldown reset

Allies: Minnie Mouse, Kanga & Roo, Miss Piggy

Nostalgia and Eda Clawthorne: Those Were… Days, For Sure

Energize allies when they are Cleansed

Disk Power

  • +X max energy to Nostalgia and all allies

  • +Y basic damage to Nostalgia and all allies

  • +Y skill power to Nostalgia and all allies


  • Anytime Nostalgia or an ally is Cleansed, even if Nostalgia is not on the battlefield, they also become Energized for 4/6/8/10/12 seconds. Allies Energized with this skill gain +50 energy per basic attack

Allies: Gepetto, Carl Fredrickson, Maurice


Great concept :+1:

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It’s good but nostalgia rn is unlikely but who knows maybe when inside out 3 comes out she will

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I definitely don’t expect her soon, but I figured I’d finish posting all of my Inside Out 2 concepts before returning to my regular schedule

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