Zazu Concept (Likely)

Zazu (The Lion King, 1994)

Zazu is an expert in maintaining order on the battlefield, even if he isn’t as temperate as he could be.

“Step lively! The sooner we get to the water hole, the sooner we can leave.”

Stars: :star:

Type: Backline Control

Trials Team: Red Team

Entrance: Zazu glides into the battlefield, coming to a gentle stop on the ground.

Victory: Zazu stands tall and looks proud.

Defeat: Zazu sways and then falls forward on the ground.


Basic Attack:
Normal Damage :fist:
Zazu flaps his wings, sending a gust of wind towards the nearest enemy.

:white_circle: White Skill: “Morning Report”
Zazu flies around the battlefield then lands to deliver the news. Every enemy has two random stats decreased by X for 16 seconds and every ally has one random stat increased by Y for 14 seconds. Zazu and the two frontmost allies become Precise for 12 seconds. Stats that can be affected with this skill include damage, skill power, armor, and reality.

:green_circle: Green Skill: “Look There”
Zazu flies up and points to the Most Wanted enemy, Studying that enemy and decreasing their attack speed by 60% for 12 seconds. The Most Wanted enemy then begins to Distract the three nearest allies for 20 seconds. This skill can be used once every 12 seconds.

Anytime an ally damages the Most Wanted enemy while Zazu is on the battlefield, that ally heals X health.

:large_blue_circle: Blue Skill: “Firm Dismissal”
Fantastic Damage :sparkles:
Zazu firmly shoos away the enemy team, Knocking Back all enemies slightly and applying 2 stacks of Fatigue. Enemies Knocked Back with this skill take X fantastic damage, plus an additional Y normal damage per debuff they currently have.

:purple_circle: Purple Skill: “This Just In…”
“Morning Report” now reduces one additional, random stat by 40% for 16 seconds and increases one additional, random stat by 30% for 14 seconds. Stats that can be affected with this skill include evasion, tenacity, normal crit, or fantastic crit.

Additional stat debuff has a chance to fail against enemies above level X.

:red_circle: Red Skill: “Eye In The Sky”
Any time Zazu buffs an ally, he also grants that ally 1 stack of Hardy per buff applied. Any time Zazu debuffs an ally, he also grants that enemy 1 stack of Fatigue per debuff applied.

Any time an enemy consumes a stack of Fatigue, they take X normal damage.

After landing after using “Morning Report,” Zauz heals himself Y health over 5 seconds

Additional Stat Boosts:

  • +X max health

  • +Y skill power

  • +Z “Look There” healing


Zazu and Percival McLeach: Ugly, No-Good Poachers

Damage the Most Wanted enemy to Snare them

Disk Power

  • Snared enemies lose -X armor

  • Snared enemies lose -X reality

  • Snared enemies lose -Y damage

  • +Z damage to Zazu and all allies


  • Any time an ally damages the Most Wanted enemy, they also Snare that enemy for 2/3/4/5/6 seconds

Allies: Jake, Gadget Hackwrench, Baloo

Zazu and Iago: Bladderbeak

Reset skill cooldowns with “Morning Report”

Disk Power

  • +X “Morning Report” stat increase

  • +Y skill power to Zazu and all allies

  • +Z max health


  • “Morning Report” now resets every ally’s Green Skill and Blue Skill cooldown, and adds an additional 1/2/3/4/5 seconds to the duration of every buff currently on the affected allies

Allies: David Q. Dawson, Sebastian, Kermit


Wow! Good concept! :+1:t2::heart_eyes::star_struck::clap:t2:🫶🏻

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