Role: Tank
Position: Front
Trial Team: Blue
Entrance: Bowser stomps his way into the battlefield
Victory: Bowser crosses his arms and grins
Defeat: Bowser stumbles and falls down
Basic attack: Bowser punches the enemy
White Skill: Fiery Breath
Fantastic damage
Bowser begins to breathe fire at the enemies until he runs out of energy doing X damage per second.
Green Skill: Tail Spin
Fantastic damage
Bowser spins his tail doing X damage to nearby enemies and knocking them back. The closer that enemy is to Bowser, the further it’ll be knocked back.
Blue Skill: Shell Shield
Bowser dodges a melee attack and hides n his shell gaining a shield with X hp and gains X armor and Y reality for the rest of the wave.
Purple Skill: King of Awesome
Bowser takes 60% less damage from enemies with a Damage Over Time effect on them.
This skill is less effective on enemies above level X.
Red Skill: Ultimate Koopa
Whenever an enemy attempts to disable Bowser. He instead blocks it and gains X armor and Y reality and gains 3% attack speed to a maximum of 75%.
Bowser can block a disable every 4 seconds.
The disable block has a chance to fail from enemies above level X.
Additional stat boosts
- +Z max hp
- +Z basic damage
- +Z damage from “Fiery Breath”
Bowser - Maleficent
Wielders of All Evil
Stronger knockbacks
- basic damage
After every 3 basic attacks, Bowser’s basic attack knocks back enemies.
Knockbacks now stun enemies for 3 seconds.
+3 seconds per star
Bowser - Madam Mim
Dreadful Reign
Support enemy countermeasures
- Whenever a Support role enemy heals an enemy, they are dealt X fantastic damage.
Bowser’s Fiery Breath now removes all active buffs from enemies.
Bowser does 10% more damage to enemies per debuff.
+10% per star
Bowser/Maleficent Friendship Campaign
Bowser/Madam Mim Friendship Campaign Concept
I hope you enjoy my first villain concept, even if it wasn’t disney.