Disney Channel/Disney XD/Disney Junior updates

I read the premise of Zombies3 and to me, it seems like a ClicheStorm.
That’s probably not a good idea.

Disney needs to reduce the amount of Star Wars stuff they make, there’s too much of it.
And what they’re doing with Marvel is worse, messing the franchises up with their own personal interests.
To me, it seems as though they’re becoming overly dependent on companies they did not create, so less original Disney Content.

For real. Like, alien invasion? It’s weird for a movie about zombies and werewolves, horror movie kinda stuff, to suddenly have aliens get involved. :confused:

There’s also vampires in a novel or comic related to the movie, the vampire tries to hypnotize Addison and discovers Addy is immune to that power.

They’re not even real zombies technically, they’re mutated humans.

Yeah, true. Still, aliens seem out of place.

How is Disney becoming dependent on companies they don’t own? Let’s be honest - they own much of popular culture. You do realize they own Star Wars and Marvel, right?

And what do you mean by “messing the franchises up with their own personal interests”? Which franchises?

I rephrased that to did not create.
Before Disney acquired them, Marvel and LucasArts were independent companies who made their own original concepts.
So therefore, anything created by those corporations is not a Disney product, they’re basically depending on the existing Marvel and Star Wars fanbases instead of their own fanbase.
That’s not the only external corporation they took over, ZagToons was also somewhat integrated.

It is suspected that Hasbro is the next corporation Disney intends to purchase, to acquire the Transformers and GI Joe fanbases.

Mostly Marvel, they rewrite the stories and characters in ways that are inconsistent with the source material.
SheHulk in particular annoyed some fans with the changes they made.

Please, no… Disney will buy the Earth one day, and we all know it.


Hamster and Gretel Premieres August 12 on Disney Channel

Well, don’t forget that Disney has a track record of taking stories and make changes to them that are not consistent from the source material. Wheither it’s changing a character’s alignment (like Kaa whose was initially a good guy and Elsa who was a bad guy) making new characters that make no appearance to the orginal story (The Doorknob and King Louie), or just tell the story in a different setting (The Princess and the Frog). So, it’s not a total crime.

After watching the season 1 finale of the ghost and Molly McGee I have to admit Molly and Scratch would make a duo if they come in the game

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Big City Greens returns this Saturday at 9:30 on Disney Channel

Chibiverse premieres on Saturday

Guess which Disney channel star is back for Hamster and Gretel?

I just heard that Zombies 3 and Hamster and Gretel are gonna premiere on Disney XD the same day they premiere on Disney Channel which is August 12

and now Agent P from Disney´s Phineas and Ferb is Joining the Battle! on August 17 let´s celebrate 15 years of premiere this series. :sparkler: :tada: :construction_worker_man:

Actually it starts on the 11th

While not yet officially confirmed by Disney, I’ve seen a news report that Disney Junior has filed a copyright for a new Ariel series.
I’ve even seen the title card:

All this week and next they’re gonna show a marathon of Phineas and Ferb starting at 4 today on Disney XD

You can watch the Phineas and Ferb Episode for FREE on YouTube

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Disney XD did something right for once

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