Disney Heroes: Battle Mode Elimination

Still rooting for Owl House and Kim Possible

Uh-huh, uh-huh

And what about you? “Coincidentally”, almost everything goes your way in elimination games. And “coincidentally”, that always happens whenever you try to eliminate something you know I’m rooting for

Sure, I might have gotten Fairly OddParents eliminated, but I didn’t say it should get eliminated because I knew you liked it

I suggested it should get eliminated mainly because not many people here go nuts over the show. No one really talks about it. Not even you.

You say the accusations are false but you never do anything to prove it wrong.

I was gonna post this earlier but the environment wasn’t right. Since it is now, I guess I’ll just post what I would have said

The accounts that seem most suspicious to me are Love-amazing, Sun_Moon_xi, and lovepizza


None of them voted here

And two of them (Both "Love"s) voted for the same option here

And all of them voted for GF here

In the first and last examples, they all voted in a group, Bruxa interrupting the order when voting for GF

There are instances of Love-amazing votes alone, but it doesn’t rule out that they’re not an alt

Actually, Bruxa_Aquiles_IX might be sus as well. They voted for the same option as well in the second example.

All that evidence is likely coincidental
 it’s not impossible for several accounts to always vote the same option as dodgy as it does look.

Before you continue this ridiculous argument please answer this:
What on earth would Musk stand to gain by making alts just so his favourite show wins an elimination game on a public, online, forum?

It’s too coincidental

It’s not to get his favorite things to win, it’s to get ours to lose. And by getting ours to lose, he is getting more attention, and it’s most likely bad attention.

Just have people like Musk’s favorite things so those things leave first.

taps head meme

Musk is not a mindless robot, I’m afraid

He would know it’s an act and eliminate the ones we actually like anyways

Then if we can’t trick this Musketeer let’s trick the other three (yes there’s four musketeers but the fourth one doesn’t become one until later in the story)

And I don’t need to prove you anything, you’re just trying to put me on bad light and you just won’t ever stop.

Nothing, but Djaq of course knows better.

But seems like Djaq and Co. is just going all over that, they just should find a hobby :upside_down_face: maybe far from here



Yet you’re complaining about how “Djaq and co” are trying to make you seem like a bad guy.

It’s like complaining about being hungry but not making the effort to look for something to eat. It just means you don’t care.

This sounds like mockery because I’ve used this phrase before when I was arguing with you.

And if it’s not mockery, okay then.

Just realize that you can’t really be put in the bad light if you’ve never done anything wrong. But you have, publicly and privately. And it’s not just that. What makes you more suspicious is that every single one of the last remaining entries are all in your favor. Meanwhile, shows that have been clearly praised here in the past are gone, e.g. Gravity Falls and Avatar.

You’re just trying to victimize yourself :unamused:

I’ll just say this right now.

Someone will not be posting on the forums anymore if Owl House leaves.

Right, ‘cause instead of actually replying you decide to bash me.

If it were completely opposite it would be more fair, because “we” are not a single person

I’m not saying your interests should be hated on just because you like it, but it doesn’t mean you’re the only one who matters.

do we really have to argue over elimination game choices being biased? :man_shrugging:

at least when its over.


It’s already over

Musk wins the game :unamused:

 just stop crying about that :unamused:

Say @LetsGetDangerousBro, maybe we should shelf this next elimination game topic for later and try one a little less conflicting. This is getting out of hand.

Well, it’s too late. People already voted for the next round. :man_shrugging:

Let’s make Luca win for the next elimination game lol


Well at least make some ground rules so it’s fair for everyone.

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I think that if you guys just stop replying to each other then this whole mess will be over. Gotta be honest, the only person who wins in this stupid drama is Musk.
They’ll always be complaining, no matter what you guys try to do. But considering the next topic is literally the same thing but movies, it’ll just happen again. Just stop feeding the flame.


Absolutely right. Rubbing salt onto an open wound never helps.

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