Disney Mirrorverse

No… they both are… very, but mirrorverse is even more p2w.


Depands how you play DM.
I m in strog team and play free. Almost all heroes have full stars just by playing and from crystals.
It is better for sure than this. You control your playing no matter of opponents.

Here you dont control anything at all in comparation with DM. Let be clear - here you are PUSHED to buy vip for some benefits, there is not like that.

Honest always find a way, Musketeer. :beer:

I remember compesation for the Kermit fiasco… it was nothing.

Money is the only real source of orbs which you need to do anything.
Event leaderboards is a rat race who will spend more.

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I have no idea what this was but the idea of a Kermit Fiasco amuses me.


Context to the poor people that didn’t get it. (Like me)


They change his size-trait from medium to small, which drastically reduced his usefulness in the game modes, especially in rifts.
It was done after the whole event ended, so somehow they didn’t noticed that for over 2 weeks.


I know that they would not give anything for compesation, they have IQ of size of shoes.

Bussiness economicy IQ 50

I dont know for you but I dont need to pay for orbs to be strong, I build my toons very well from game realised.

I dont know but people nowdays are mostly empty heads. Follow your life not someones who spent.

Let them and life of game will be shorter, they lose not you.

There is more games who are family, multi or single player and where ypu can evolve well.

Looney toons is good. I was there for 3 years until my phone died. Awesome game with using mind instead of money. Try it


World of Mayhem?

They are reworking war right now


Yes, I meant on them.

I dont play it very long but in my 2 year experience they are very good game (in that period no need money to build your team strong, no ads, new skills what heroes you want to build - equality to all fair)

Very good game, relaxed.



Doll of Living Thread

Always greater than the sum of her parts, Sally now has more control over her sewn-on arms and legs, even if they do sometimes get away from her. Filled on stuffing of nightshade, and in full command of the animated threads that bind her together, Sally is a fearsome flurry of limbs on the battlefield!


A Super Cool Best Friend of the City

Everyone loves having a cool best friend, and no one is cooler than Frozone! His powers have been amplified to such a degree that he needs a special Edna suit just to contain them, and there’s a constant mist of frost emanating off of him. In addition of hurling chilly blasts, he can also put ice on allies’ wounds. Hey, that’s what friends are for!


They both look cool, especially frozone, who looks like robocop!


This aged horribly! :joy:
Just like milk.


What went on in Mirrorverse lol


Well, as you know, Sally and Frozone have made their debut. Jafar is still not playable yet even thought everything is set up for him.


Actually I meant about the compensation thing :snowflake:


Dungeons and rift raids were too buggy and weren’t playable as normal, for most, completely unplayable, so a lot of players were missing a lot of rewards, and what kabam send to them was a complete joke, 50 orbs and 7 potions, next day the monthly calendar gave 50 orbs, the compensation had no value.
And the bugs lasted for a week.

Mixed together with some random short limited quest to spend 5000 orbs (cost of $130) for extra rewards, and the quest ended exactly before Sally’s event started. And nobody from kabam was responding, 0 communication, that last part sounds familiar?

So like… if arena and coliseum weren’t playable and rewards not send for a week for us and pb would send 100 diamonds as compensation, same thing.

2 weeks later, it was fixed. Woo-oo?


Two new guardians have entered the mirrorverse.

Wayfinding Warrior

Guided by the wayfaring spirits of her ancestors, the tenacious and daring Guardian Moana uses her agility and intuition to defend her allies across the Mirrorverse. Armed with a shark-toothed sword and possessing the ability to locate enemy weak spots, her powers and leadership can navigate her team out of any stormy situation.

Dream Weaver

The Alice of the Mirrorverse is more in control of her dreams than ever before, and now she can shape her dreams into anything her allies need, making THEIR dreams come true! She brings Wonderland wherever she goes, and with a thought can summon mighty weapons, a soothing cup of tea, or anything in between.


Alice looks cool. Moana looks… old?


I’m looking forward to Barley Lightfort who comes to Mirrorverse

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Hope Go Go Tomago is one of next months guardians, her surname is almost identical to the Japanese name for egg, Tamago. Spelt differently but sound very similar.

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