[DONE] Recommended Mods Guide

Any idea for snow White

@Musketeer Why not add all the heroes in the game? Many are missing.

Because many of the missing heroes are :wastebasket:


And that is what is going in the totally wrong lane! The Incredibled where starting heroes but now nobody cares.
Really donā€™t like this way that is performed.

You really write in weird sentences. Some of the starting heroes are sort-of good - those are listed, others (aka :wastebasket:) are not.


Or just request hero which you want to add insteadā€¦ whatever youā€™re saying I am just confused.


Mods for buzz and demon plese


Update upcomingā€¦

Post heroes which you want to be added (one per player):

  • Syndrome (update)
  • Buzz
  • Demona
  • Jack Sparrow :smirk:
  • Aurora
  • Flik
  • Manticore
  • Chief Bogo
  • Snow White :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:
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Sheā€™s already on the list in the comment right above yours.


Misread the post. Anyhow, @Musketeer can you do a mod guide for Prince Phillip?

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The list is very outdated and takes a long time to changeā€¦

Not understanding the 2 norm crit mods you are saying to put on Duff. He does fantastic damage.

he is incapable of fantastic crits regardless of mods, and his basic attacks do normal damage.


So you are saying the norm crits are being used to boost his basic damage?

Itā€™s really the only smart move.

His only AoE ability is his ult, and skill mods canā€™t boost it. So skill mods have limited utility.
Obviously, HP mods are strictly out. Heā€™s a midline DPS.
So, itā€™s basic attack mods for maximum impact. Attack Speed will be made useless by his Red skill putting him at the 300% cap, and no amount of Fantastic Crit mods will make him crit with Fantastic damage, soooā€¦


Thank you Zelkiiro for being nice in helping me without being a jerk.

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What modifications do you recommend for Prince Philip?


Can you recommend any mods for Princess Aurora if you get the chance?

not sure how providing an accurate and succinct answer to a simple question can be interpreted as being a jerk, but oh well :man_shrugging::man_shrugging:


Mods para sally e philip pleeeeese

Suas bilds me ajudam muito!!!

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