"don't just fly. soar! - grand concept creation contest 2020

What was it titled

My concept? it was called put it in O, for onward! It was for Ian, barley and Wilden

Do we post our submissions in the comments, OR, do it in a topic

Given how this takes inspiration from last year’s CCC, I would assume there will be topics for Likely and Unlikely submissions.


I will create two different topics, one for likely and one for Unlikely concepts… There you will be able to upload your concepts in the comments…


Okee dokee.

Do you need to add a picture?

It’s best if you do

Like @Filadae_Djaq said

Just posted my second submission. So now I have one per category. I would love feedback on both which will be linked below. Please PM me any critique or praises you wish to share unless you are a judge in which case stay silent until after the contest is over.

Here is my likely submission for Esmeralda:
Esmeralda - Likely Concept Submission 2020

Here is my unlikely submission for Sora:
Sora - Unlikely Concept Submission 2020

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