Endless Creep Surge Preview

That’s not what it says. The gold awarded from each individual region is lower, but the amount of gold you receive at the end should be comparable or higher than what you were earning before, depending on the multiplier bonus the guild earns.

We are erring on the side of caution to see how the multiplier behaves in the wild. It’s easy for us to increase the gold drops, but really hard to decrease it.

We are monitoring the gold earned very closely to make sure it’s correct and we will adjust as needed.

What about this @Polaris

Thanks for your prompt response which gives me hope that this will be the new Surge I’ve been waiting for.
As long as incentive/reward matches effort, I’m 100% up for a more involving mode!


Tengo mucho tiempo jugando y el juego va en decadencia, el mismo juego trata que quitarte cualquier manera de recolectar recursos que no sea usando dinero, con esto de la nueva oleada de verdad se pasaron es una total porquería, distritos que daban hasta 1M de oro ahora dan 120k es una burla a mi por todos mis heores me dierom la minima cantidad de 750k de verdad que burla. La nueva oleada para mi es una burla. Ponen y ponen héroes y esta era una de las ya pocas cosas oara conseguir oro.

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What does the Perk VIP mean, after you win a fight? I’m in server 9 and my VIP level is slightly higher than the VIP 6 shown on the “loot” screen?

That perk is unlocked at VIP 6.

Thanks for the explanation.

Under Mercenaries in the (i) information section, there is “mercanaries”
Unless they come from the Canaries…


I can’t even buy 1 hero with 310 surge coins which was what we got today for clearing I don’t know how many waves hope it doesn’t come to any other servers any time soon it’s so bad the new surge gold is minimal compared to before


Ich denke, somit möchten die Betreiber den Goldkauf ankurbeln

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After experiencing Endless Surge, this is some of my feedback

  1. About HQ: I understand that after sending heroes there, you can’ use them anymore. It’s totally reasonable. But, it should exclude our guild mate’s posted mercs. As of now, if they post merc and then send them to HQ, we can’t hire them. That is such a downside of HQ

More over, we should have an option to send which hero(es), by choice or by number to HQ. Beside sending ALL of them in a single tap like this.

Also, the point calculated in HQ should not be based on power only. There should be other factor(s) in place like: the number of stars they have, the rank they are in or the number of heroes we send there. For most of us, the unused heroes are … useless so their total power is almost nothing to contribute…

  1. Surge difficulty: I don’t know whether you guys increase this or not, but obviously, the difficulty of our Surge has increased… a lot. We don’t have any change in our members, FYI. I normally defeat easy districts without any problem. Now, I get wiped out all of a sudden, resulting us lose more than win, making it very hard to progress

  2. I haven’t noticed any notable change in Surge lineups even after you release your -Surge/CW-lineups-selection update…

  3. We need more perk to help us continue doing Endless Surge. As of now, the perks are somewhat helpful, but not that much, as we still struggle a lot in Surge

  4. The difficulty has been raised, but for some reason, not the gold??? I defeated a nearly 1M power, and got barely 300k gold??? Is this a joke? Normally I’d get 600k-700k gold, or even more. How should we understand this? More work, less reward? Now, that’s not fun. So, gold earned should be scaled with total power defeated. Otherwise, this feature is not rewarding as we thought it’d

  5. The time-out on district is nice and all, but sometimes, I just click to only check district, without doing anything. But it keeps showing my name on it, blocking others, and they will have to wait… for nothing? So, could the time-out on district is active only when there is attack? Otherwise, it’d be a complete waste of time


This one thing makes hiring mercs very frustrating. I can’t use the gold from my previous victory to get better mercs. There should still be a small immediate gold bonus per win.


I don’t know if it’s just bad luck / coincidence or all in my head, and didn’t expect this to be true, but so far I absolutely agree that the enemy lineups in surge have gotten a whole lot more difficult to defeat - either because they are now chock full of meta teams, or because even those with ‘poor’ hero choices are somehow overwhelmingly strong.

It does seem like the difficulty has been substantially increased… is that the case? I suppose we will see how it bears out but from the first 2 surges we’ve had, both have been very difficult compared to the ‘old’ surge.


And solo win…with a good merc/hire and one your hero…Is slightly impossible


So a summary of things that need to change in my opinion, by priority -

  1. Some gold needs to be earned instantly to promote hiring of mercs, for contest purposes, and for player gratification upon victory. The actual amount of gold also needs reviewing as it appears it could use a boost - currently anything less than a x2 multiplier seems to result in lower gold than before, and that level of multiplier isn’t easy to achieve. Maybe just increase the rate at which the multiplier increases?

  2. Additional values such as rank, stars & # of heroes need to factor into the contribution total when using that feature, to promote proper use of it & make said proper use worthwhile.

  3. The difficulty / opponent selection algorithm / power adjustment algorithm needs to be looked at & possibly changed to produce easier lineups.

  4. A way to select & deselect heroes to be contributed, rather than just All or Nothing. Have a ‘select all’ checkbox that is ticked by default, and allow the player to untick it & choose one-by-one.

  5. If a player contributes all their heroes while having an unused merc in their arsenal, the merc should be returned to the merc pool & be available to hire again.

  6. The lock-out while a player is picking their team should only last while the player is actually picking their team, not for an extended duration.


I agree with all your points
My Add

  1. Guild HQ when contributed towards should give some gold.
    Like consider someone have 500k power left…Towards rewards multiplier it contributes so less.Thats why Hq shouldnt be power based

  2. Cost of every merc should be reduced or enable a perk for that

3.When anyone is in hero selecting screen, it shouldn’t show that it is ‘Under Attack by’ rather
anything else


A 30s initial lockdown countdown, then if a player starts to tweak lineup, extend that to 3 minutes or whatever proper number.

Also, I notice that the amount of Surge token we earn is somewhat reduced! Normally, after clearing 11 waves, we would earn 430 token (without vip perk, without bonus). Now, at wave 12th, we only have 380 token…

Could we have some confirmation about Surge token, @Polaris?


I’m not sure there’s a way any more to actually tell what wave you’re on - tier 12 isn’t necessarily wave 12. It could still be correct for the actual wave you’re on :man_shrugging:

Ooopps…sorry about that… I still thought tiers and waves are the same… still a little confused…

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