Fidget Concept (Likely)

Fidget (The Great Mouse Detective, 1986)

Ratigan’s peg-legged lackey is quite the scoundrel in this new city!

“No problem. I took care of everything. Everything on the list…”

Stars: :star:

Type: Frontline Control

Trials Team: Yellow Team

Entrance: Fidget hops in, holding his sack over his shoulder.

Victory: Fidget falls on his back, laughing.

Defeat: Fidget grabs his only foot in pain.


Basic Attack:
Normal Damage :fist:
Fidget jumps onto the nearest enemy then back to his spot.

:white_circle: White Skill: “Fiendish Cackle”
Fidget leans forward and cackles, reducing the movement speed of all enemies by 75% for 9 seconds. Every enemy is also Scared for 2 seconds per buff they currently have.

Scare has a chance to fail on enemies above level X.

:green_circle: Green Skill: “Gears, Tools, Uniforms”
Fantastic Damage :sparkles:
Fidget leaps at the enemy with the most buffs, stealing up to three random buffs from the selected enemy while Fidget leaps away. The selected enemy is then scared for 9 seconds, and takes X fantastic damage per second for 3 seconds per buff stolen. This skill can only be used once every 8 seconds while there is at least one enemy with at least one buff.

:large_blue_circle: Blue Skill: “Jumpscare”
In a flash of lightning, Fidget disappears for a moment, during which time he cannot be targeted. In another flash immediately after, he appears in front of a random enemy, Scaring them for 12 seconds, and decreasing their armor and reality by X for 14 seconds. This skill can be used once every 6 seconds.

:purple_circle: Purple Skill: “Amateur Scarer”
Anytime Fidget successfully Scares an enemy, his movement speed and attack speed are increased by 25% for 8 seconds. Movement speed and attack speed buffs from this skill can stack up to 200% at once.

Movement speed increase has a chance to fail against enemies above level X.

:red_circle: Red Skill: “Peg-Legged Lackey”
Normal Damage :fist:
Both “Fiendish Cackle” and “Gears, Tools, Uniforms” now deal an additional X normal damage to the affected enemy per buff they currently have.

If an enemy tries to Charm, Stun, or Silence Fidget, he will ignore it and have his movement speed and attack speed increased by 60% for 8 seconds. Movement speed and attack speed buffs with this skill can stack up to 300% at once.

Additional Stat Boosts:

  • +X reality

  • +Y fantastic crit

  • +Z “Gears, Tool, Uniforms” damage per second


Fidget and Abu: Language Barrier

Reduce incoming damage with “Gears, Tools, Uniforms”

Disk Power

  • +X skill power to Fidget and all allies

  • +Y “Gears, Tool, Uniforms” damage per second


  • Enemies damaged by “Gears, Tools, Uniforms” also deal 10%/20%/30%/40%/50% less damage for 10 seconds.

Allies: Dante, Gurgi, Pete & Elliot

Fidget and Pinocchio: Becoming The Best Minion… In A Good Way

Duplicate speed buffs to nearby allies

Disk Power

  • +X max health to Fidget and all allies

  • +Y armor to Fidget and all allies

  • +Y reality to Fidget and all allies


  • Anytime Fidget has his attack speed or movement speed increased, the two nearest allies also gain that buff for the same length of time and at 20%/40%/60%/80%/100% of the original power.

Allies: Jiminy Cricket, Rapunzel, Piglet

Alternate Costume: Queen’s Guard Uniform


Good concept :+1:


Awesome :+1::blush:


Wow! :star_struck: So phenomenal and fabulous!

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