Friendship Refresh Overview

Well the team should focus on helping players max out disks faster. I wouldn’t care if you guys focused on helping us start sooner, only if you had kept the old system of 10 hour missions.

But they’ll take longer to complete. It’s is a bad trade-off.


@Polaris In terms of the friendship mission story content I can understand if it is a lot of work, and I think I and others would be fine with that the team retire from making new stories. While sad that you would not be making new Friendship story content in the game, it would be better than removing all the Friendship story content completely.

I assume the community would be up for helping coming up with ideas for how to preserve the story content in the friendship missions in some way, whether that be in the game or in the forum.

As for how to keep the main wall clean I would just suggest each friendship mission’s dialog/story content in their own wall, so just saving them so an own wall. I am not sure how space efficient it would be, but it would be a decent solution in theory. By this I mean being converted from resource gain missions to just story gain missions like I mentioned in an earlier post.

But yeah, if nothing else I hope we players in a way can get to read all the story content that has been made for the friendship missions in some way :-).


This really needs to be multiplied. Cap of 15 is really… nothing, and only 3 missions can be used to farm memories, now players don’t have any limits, so this will downgrade.

I do hope so… a lot is needed cough
Epic CW rewards (skill chips!) needs ASAP an update.


I understand that writing new story takes a lot of time, so I don’t ask that new missionstories will be added for new characters, but merely that the work you have created so far is preserved somewhere (separate part of friend wall, somewhere in collections)

In a way I would like to see the same treatment as with the costumes. They have been discontinued, but the costumes that are in game have not been deleted. So could you try to perserve these story-parts as well?


Technically, it was Filadae’s idea to split the wall into sections.

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Whoops ;^^.

Didn’t notice and I am sorry for that to Filadae_Djaq.

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I can understand on how long it takes to write the missions, and I don’t mind new mission dialogues to be scrapped, but why remove the older ones? Those add a lot more reasoning behind the friendships and they’re fun to read. Friendships will be too boring without them.

Maybe archive them somewhere and then re-release them when there’s an option too?


Ok, so we’re limited to 15 missions.
14 disk power and 3 memory chip.
But that VIP perk adds 5 additional missions
How does that interact with the type limits? Because as it stands, the limit of 20 ends up being only 17 because of the type limits?

  1. It’d be best if we dont have limit to how many missions we run at the same time

  2. Memories per chip should really be increased. I think 5 is reasonable

  3. Could disc power per mission go up a little bit. 100 per mission seems rather low…

  4. Like others have said, we need way more chips than we used to. Elite campaign and shops really need some change to help us with that

  5. Could the chance memories appear in shop be based on the friend disc lv? The higher disc lv is, the higher chance it will show in market (except the ones at 5-star, of course)


Thank you @Polaris for this update. I’m really looking forward to what comes out of this review:

Although I appreciate all the quality of life improvements to the system, the math really shows a drastic reduction of the amount of memories that can be gathered. At 14 hours per mission (for max r12) that’s 3.4 memories/day. Currently we can get 4/day. That’s just a straight up reduction. Also, there is currently no limit to the amount of concurrent missions, so that limit of 3 is another (in this case huge) reduction.

Also, not every server is at r12. I’m on server 22, where max level is 140/r1. This means that we will have an even bigger reduction in amount of memories/day.

I know you already said you (Perblue) were looking into it, so my point is: please do the math.

Edit: To reply to the argument that you can start collecting memories sooner:
I can usually start collecting memories within 10 days of starting a new friendship, with smart use of consumables. Assuming max r12, current system takes 10 + 320/4 = 90 days to max the disk. New system takes 320/3.4=95 days. Yeah that’s not much more for max r12. For anything else, it’s going to be a lot more.
Edit on the edit: Also note that the “can start collecting right off the bat” argument is only valid for NEW friendships. Any friendships for which the friend level was high enough will not benefit from this, and memories will strictly take longer to be acquired.


The players should be able to choose whether spending first hero chip or second hero chip in the friendship.
Current system allows us to choose 20h mission/10h mission depending on how many first/second hero chips we have, but this update will force us to collect the secondary hero chips even if the player has plenty of first hero chips.


@Polaris you have effectively devalued the friendship disks. But you have not provided enough compensation for players who have invested heavily in them. This is too unfair.


Any updates regarding this, @Polaris?


Understandable enough if the writing becomes too cumbersome, but why not ask the players to write the the friend mission dialogue? I just really like the world building done by the friend campaigns and missions, and cutting them short feels like the characters and the world they’re in are being robbed. From Mike and Sulley building multiple comedy clubs and enlisting the likes of the Genie and Mushu to help run them as the city’s power generators, to Shank and Megara creating a self defense school to help the civilians protect themselves (then having Jasmine join as the instructor for pole vaulting), Barbossa and Tia Dalma setting up a Brethren Court, Buzz setting up Hero Command. Even the one-off adventures like Mike Wazowski babysitting Jack-Jack, or the ice sculpting contest between Frozone and Elsa, or one of the several times the Disney Villains try (and ultimately fail) to take over the city or dispose of certain heroes. The friend stories, both in the campaigns and the missions, add to the ever-growing world of Disney Heroes. I wouldn’t want that expansion to be stopped if it can be helped.


But The Frndship which i just played for contest to earn xp(not intentionally unlocking the discs as it would decrease the probability in memory market to earn desired discs)
Now those discs will get unlocked, the probability will decrease and keep decreasing…The slots hereby should get boosted.

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You will still be able to leave disks intentionally to not get the memories in the market, you can just leave them at level 1 then:

Ty For Quoting !:upside_down_face:
i think i missed that part

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You’re welcome :slight_smile:
I had to go look for it as well, but remembered reading about it somewhere.

Quick question

I know it says current Friendships difficulty will stay the same but what about friendships after this update does the difficulty scale to your team level ?



The question was asked but what about all of us who have been waiting for a friendship contest and hoarding consumables and held off on friendship disks for the right time so we could compete in the contest by using speed ups and friendship stamina to gain friendship exp?

I’ve waited over 2 months… I’ve got 30 disks waiting for that contest… 21,000 speed ups… all strategically coordinated for this contest and now I won’t get it?

Can you provide some clarity on this?

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