[Fun and Games!] Disney Heroes: Battle Mode's Alphabet (Season 2)

G- Gettin’ freaky on a friday night, Yeah


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H- heck yeah! Can’t wait for October 18th!

I- Illinois

J - Joke

K- Konima

L - Lol I thought you said Konami and I was about to go on a rant about how bad the company is

M - Marlo, Sasha, Shino, and Cephalobot are my faves

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N - Now other than the first one you said I agree, I love Niko as well

O - Onestly

They are very selfish with what they own

P- Pokemon

Q - Quite extremely excited for many of the new Animal Crossing characters and maybe I’ll invite one if one of them is the Sisterly personality

R - Really excited for November 5

S - So tell me what happened on Minecon Live

much random :smiley:

T- teeth

U - Uh… warden delayed, chest boat, frogs, fireflies, mud, allay won, other biomes being revamped, and also:


V- very interesting :eye:

W - Wow, silence

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X- xowu

Y- YOLO :four_leaf_clover:

Z- zooooom

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