Game is in a update loop

Could you guyS maybe give them a reminder to check the update?

On comprend que ça vient du côté d’Amazone, mais… On manque gros, on risque de perdre notre guilde et en plus, j’avais 140 et quelques jours d’affilé en invasion et vous venez de tout foutre en l’air! … Et ça, c’est pas Amazon qui peut gérer ça! Alors faite votre part et au moins accepté que vous avez une part de responsabilités envers nous les usagers!

Wouldn’t be surprised if it did

The last time this happened I was unable to play for a couple of months. Lucky that my guild didn’t remove me. I will be patient because I really enjoy this game. Thanks for all efforts to return us to the battles.

Doubt that will be happening

As stated many times before, it’s a problem on Amazon’s side, not Perblue’s.



Checked just a min ago and still nothing from Amazon

I suggest to all to get another device they can play Disney hero’s on as well as a kindle. I also play on a iPad.

Amazon, please hurry up!

Unfortunately, it is still in review.


My little girls account is on a constant loop in Amazon too. She will be kicked from her guild for sure and she’s very upset . I’ve paid money for her but not a huge amount and she’s put a lot of work into this. Not good at all.

It was approved and update will be going live at 11:45 am CT!


It was approved?

But I’m eastern time?

It’ll be live at 12:45pm ET.


Thank you loutre

GMT ? Please so I can tell my kid

For England as in GMT/BST I think it will be 5.45PM and for Germany GMT+1/CET it will be 6.45PM.
Hope that helps :-).

Yeah internet said ct to gmt it would be 16.45 which was 10 minutes ago

Ah, that’s weird, but is it due to summer time maybe?

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