Gizmo nerf complain thread

Gizmo is now needed for his white skill… Dont need him for damage

Dash is good, but not used there

My final guesses are T&P, Merida, and is EVE


Phaldow already brought it up in PM, it’s not a big mystery :stuck_out_tongue: but not many people will have it

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Lol I’ll have to try and get into that PM …

Did it REALLY work? On RED invasion?

Im on s2…

What are you two talking about…

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You should know…

Pipsqueak i believe you know me from DS

Do I? I never used the name Pipsqueak in DS xD

Delete the comment

I haven’t tried but can’t see why it wouldn’t work, I’m hesitant to bring them up though because inevitably their skill will get nerfed at some point

I think I know but at the same time Idk how it would work.

This id d i k

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What I mean is, how can the skill work without powerups since it’s level limited?


hmm, good point… in that case it could be somebody else :man_shrugging:t2:

I’m a top 10 to 50 invasion player on my server Every week. Giz made it impossible for me to stay in challengers anymore. With that said After demotion I realized the reward for all that work to stay in challengers and get demoted was so insignificant that it wasn’t worth the effort. So whatever giz or no giz, I don’t really care.
I do care about the rewards in tiers and the ability to obtain them. If I start invasion a couple hours after start I need to work twice as hard to get points and more importantly coins. Anyone that is weaker than me has little chance currently and even less of a chance down the road. Considering I push through about 400 breaker fights a week I think I may be fine as our tier cap increases however there’s a quality of life issue. It’s gone, in an effort to receive such abysmal rewards.
Since there are so few mod part I have to wait as much as 9 weeks to try to the specific parts for that color and type. Terrible.
To make matters worse on my server we rarely see upgrades other than normal crit, purple skill, and armor. How many toons really purple skill upgrades?

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It’s amazing how everyone is complains that invasion boss info shouldn’t be openly shared and yet here we are posting a super team and trying to figure it out

Well… if you bring it up, people will ask and want it. Then the sharing starts. Personally, I would like to have it, since I am weak and need a strong invasion team as that mode is not my strong suit for team building.

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