Gizmo nerf complain thread

And not everyone complains about it being openly shared.

I posted to show its still possible

Although by the time you’re strong enough to use it, it will probably no longer be valid.

There are many forum threads about the giz nerf with many complaints about openly posting dream teams. And yes it is still possible to have a red dream team. I have one which I’m sure is the same as elder’s with one toon change. But I didn’t figure it out from a forum post or and online outlet which I’m sure it will end up on anyway. One component of the game is learning and understanding the toons abilities and how they interact. PB keeps giving us curveballs and as much as they are a pain trying to find solutions for them is more interesting than copying what others do

Great I missed that :confused:
But maybe GT still has some tricks (they doubling its points since the nerf).

Gizmo is still viable during red …maybe not blue or yellow but yes he is still very viable
I’m still able to 1shot level 800-900 bots with 0 problem and considering it takes level1200 bot of your own to hit max tier it isnt noticable


U can scroll up and see how people have said the same thing you are saying and how is debunked. Gizmo did not got nerf becouse poeple posted about him. Gizmo was a nerf that was planned just like bo peep.

You didn’t miss any new info from that post though :man_shrugging:

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@allaboutmagic7 I’m having no trouble whatsoever dropping a 200 level bot with Gizmo🤷‍♀️

Gizmo isnt the damage dealer anymore… He has a different role

This new OP Invasion hero doesn’t happen to be QoH? With the ability to K.O enemies under 20% of their Max HP it sounds like she might be good at dealing with the Mama Bot.

Just reached tier 64! :laughing:

Look at my guild’s points from Tuesday afternoon compared to now :grimacing::grimacing:

Tuesday afternoon:

Friday evening:

:man_facepalming: safe to say nobody is getting very far next week.


We haven’t tested her on blue invasion yet so :man_shrugging:

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But would she be viable in other Invasions :thinking:? I suppose as a Tank she would be too easily wiped out by higher level bots on Red/Yellow Invasions.

Mosk likely not.

First of, how to get from her 80% HP. :upside_down_face:


If that’s the (possible) case why would you go and post it here for PB to read and nerf her skills too.
My gosh. :woman_facepalming:

So if I didn’t post it but everyone started using her then PerBlue would magically not see the game logs that show that she is being used to reach higher tiers :man_facepalming:? Us not posting about it does nothing to prevent PerBlue from nerfing heroes.

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Why has Gizmodak been so defective? Actually, it wasn’t a defect and PB didn’t notice it, and didn’t it? How often do we complain or ask for improvement in the forum? The reason why the number of active players is decreasing is the distrust of PB itself. Leaving this issue as it is means the end of this game. PB says to respect and respect themselves, but I think that there is no point in showing proper actions. It is the PB itself that ignores the voiceless voice of the player and regrets it.


Thank you for your talk. I always wanted to kill games. Grow up, please.

Anyway even if Elastigirl, Dash and others do the damage, Gizmo let them do that damage. Otherwise they’d do crap. Hence why Gizmo was broken and not the others.

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