Gizmo nerf complain thread

No proof that there is one then

Yes, 99.97% points were collected on Monday and Tuesday before update.



I do not believe it till I see it. Also, why are you not releasing it. It is more likely that you are lying that you found one than anything else.


There you go

As I mentioned earlier in this thread, the first posts that spelled out how OP Gizmoduck was in invasion and why it was happening were made by people who weren’t happy with it and wanted him nerfed.

I think a tier rework is the only viable way to increase participation in, and improve satisfaction with, Invasion in the short term, so I’d be interested in seeing your ideas. Personally, I’ve got three general suggestions:

  1. Increase the non-mod rewards significantly (most of them could easily be tripled, or even quintupled, without making the slightest dent in the game’s economy).
  2. Have the point requirements for current tiers lowered to the point where most people within 10 levels of the server cap could complete the current tiers without spending more than an hour or so a day.
  3. Just about double the number of tiers with the higher tiers just giving more mod power and high-level mod bits as a reward to people who can actually make it that far. (Yes, I actually believe the tiers should be structured so most people can’t get all of them, but I don’t think there should be useful resources that are exclusive only to those nigh-unreachable tiers.)

As more and higher mod bits become available, they should be added to the tiers starting in levels 60-70, with larger quantities available in the higher tiers. Anyway, that’s what I’ve come up with just mulling things over while waiting for war or coli fights to start; I’m sure there’s improvements that can be made and complications to consider.

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Except the 20+ mil i did today and yesterday

And this is showing total damage done? Also you never answered why you won’t share the lineup. Seems to me that it’s another armor shredder that did all the damage to the Mama.

Why share the line, i can get knocked out of first?

Spent hours finding the line to just give away to everyone

These are nice ideas. I am so weak in invasion, so point decreases for tiers would help me at least get mods, which I will need to be stocking up on soon. Another thing that would help is making it easier for newer players who unlocked the mode. Not sure how yet, but I am sure there are a bunch of ideas that could work.

Last I checked rankings do not matter that much. I do not care about my ranking in the slightest. Also, I am new to invasion and have barely tried cause it is so hard, so it would be nice to know some good lineups and heroes. I was farming Gizmo in the shops, but then stopped once I found out about his nerf.

Yes, it would be good if people could actually do something in invasion as soon as they unlock it; still, you can at least earn the first mod easily enough just by spending 60 invasion stamina per day (start a breaker attack and retreat immediately), which gets you five breakers; you can use the same attack-and-retreat strategy on Mama bots and earn some points as they’re defeated, and after 2-3 days you should have enough points for the mod on tier 4.

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Gizmo only dealt 3B damage and other hero did 100 b . He is still useless.

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No… Without gizmo in that line it doesnt work

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He has a different role now

Who is that hero that dealt 100B damage? Tell us

I’m guessing you believe Animal is useless in invasion, as well as Stitch in non-blue weeks?

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Animal is in my line there

Dash is the broken hero isn’t he?

Mhhh no. That make no sense. Gizmo is red and in his own invasion he can barely do damage.

Animal and stitch do good in all colors.

1.Don’t put words in people mouths when they have not said a things.
2. Don’t jump in to conclusion

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