Gizmo nerf complain thread

He does not do a 10% of what he used to do. He is USELESS. He does not even kill a 200 bot.


And even if it wasn’t useless (he is) getting to max tiers is a pain unless your a whale or have no life and can actually spend all day in the game with your guildmates.

Please stop linking posts for no reason.

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No, you noticed that everyone found a team that enabled them to actually hit all invasion tiers and enjoy it so you decided to ruin it. Like always.

Edit grammar


I hope now people would be SMARTER and WILL NOT post any supertoons they will find out. Gizmo was “bugged” for the whole time and no one noticed it, but due to some people, useful Gizmo became trash within a month. Special thanks to those who posted about this everywhere.


Posting it in here was not the problem.

The problem is that PB has a cycle. They “make” a mistake and they let the mistake for almost a year and then they nerf them Making the useless (after the $ came trough of course). It happend to bo peep and now Gizmo both maked invasion manageable and they nerf them.

Posting here is not a problem, the problem is the cycle they have.

(If u look trough all the comments you’ll see that eille have all ready said the not “post good hero” comment. And u’ll be able to see that that’s not the problem. Not only my word but the words of a lot of people.)


Even if no one posted about it surely the fact that most Invasion line ups were using Gizmo in every colour Invasion would be a bit suspicious to PerBlue.


I did, for example. And will proudly stand and boast. As @Polaris said no solo character should enable slaying bosses of any level. On the other hand I plan to post a tier rework idea in Invasion soon. Maybe even today.


Great to know which kind of a person you are :roll_eyes:.


even LVL 10? oh gosh… so there’s A LOT to nerf :slight_smile:


Good luck becoming infamous

No hero does. Your claim is baseless and lacks a lot of proof.


Unrewarding? It’s the only way to get mods other than chests which costs diamonds … the gizmo nerf is unwanted yes but to say invasion is boring and no one will play it is wrong … like I said it’s the only way for mods which he need to compete

70% of it mod fragments, it’s too much, and all other rewards are too little in the grand scheme of things for the amount of time and effort goes into it even as a guild effort. Too many tiers to accomplish now in a 5 day (mainly weekday) schedule. So yes mods maybe the only rewarding thing in invasion but when people can’t even collect them because they can’t beat all tiers now, it’s all a moot point, so still stand by my comments of unrewarding in the greater scheme of things.

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And also , if the whole intention of invasion was too focus on mods, why all of sudden decide to put some mod fragments in challengers rewards? Clearly if they can change their minds about that, they sure can change their minds about other things people are leaving the game over if they listen to the community more which a lot feel they don’t.

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Since the nerf I have a hard time getting motivated to attack. Its just too much effort. I don’t want to spend hours grinding for invasion rewards. The gizmo team was fast. Just spend a little time each day to get the tiers and if you wanted to fight to stay in challengers you could just hit more. That’s how it should be. Rewards accessible for everyone with that team (r10 was not required) and the option for the competitive players to fight for the top ranks.


“Unrewarding” and “boring” aren’t the same. Players are forced into playing a bad gamemode if they want to stay competitive.


Actually there is one still!!!

And who is that?

Im not releasing… But on s2 go ahead and look at score, i spent hours finding the correct line… And gizmo is required in it

Another baseless claim :roll_eyes:

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