Grammatical Error Found

I get the pun, but it still sounds very off

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PB is not the best at punsā€¦

I think it works without using ā€œgetā€ as well.

Why are scare and sap capitalized?

They usually are. Most debuffs are. I myself do it in concepts to differentiate the words better.

Itā€™s not really grammatical error, but I have noticed past few Cap Raises that some badges do tend to deviate from the established naming system (aka Capital letters not where they are used in previous badges etc.)

Is that something that could be acknowledged with the near updates @Polaris?

Finding my Spark (there is a ā€œBe My Palā€ badge with capital M in My)
Losing to a bird
Modified plan
Hypnotized cows

Those are the most notable, I think there are more.

Thatā€™s not how you would spell the plural version of Judy Hoppsā€¦ it would be either Judy Hoppsā€™s or Judy Hoppsā€™

The correct term is Hoppsā€™.

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Thatā€™s not even plural. Itā€™s accusative.

Genitive, possessive.

I donā€™t comment in this thread but I do report all these typos and errors to the team to fix. I really appreciate this thread!

:broken_heart: :sob:


Not only did Polaris respond to my post, but they cried at it lol. Was that supposed to be a pun?

Ironically enough, I was learning about plural possessive nouns in school lol

ā€œtwo tomesā€

also it seems weird that the first stage of the next episode is the same :thinking:

Remember when PerBlue planned to make friendship campaigns 3 levels long per chapter before the friendship refresh was released? I think Ian was the first test subject of that feature before PerBlue decided to scrap the idea


Well :thinking: I am really good at maths, but it seems impossible to me.

no need for a comma after spell

No NEED but, what if itā€™s trying to imply the way heā€™s saying it. Like, he paused and added ā€˜thingā€™ to the end of his sentence.
Think about it.

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An ellipsis would probably be more appropriate if that were the case :man_shrugging:

An ellipsis if used for a long pause or when the dialogue would make the characterā€™s speech tones down gradually, commas are used as sudden stops and continuationsā€¦

(See what I did there? :eyes:)

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