Guild War Overview

Is there anyway to see if people have set defenses for war? If not can leadership of guilds get this option?

@Polaris I just want to know how many Guildmembers can Do Clanwar?

I am in A Guild with 50/50 Guildmembers, all can Fight with the other Guild?

Or its 10 vs 10 , 20 vs 20 etc?

How much will hero chips be in the War store, and how often will the currency be given out? Like with Surge, how it’s sent out everyday if you participate in it. Will it be only once a month? Just wondering because I got unlucky and Felix will now only be available in the War shop in my server.

@Polaris I don’t know if I missed it or not, but how does a guild win? Is guild wars points based or are they who clears all 9 cars first?

Hi, didnt see a feedback section yet, but 2 things with set up.

  1. A button to clear all teams off all cars would be great.

  2. If we had sort options like putting cars at the bottom of the list rather than at the top.

  3. A way to easily see if all guild members have set teams.

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I started a feedback thread over here. Thanks!

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Perfect ill repost. Thanks.

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It looks like 1 player defends each car. I understand that that likely normalizes guild sizes to some extent (and perhaps encourages new guild formations). But I’d like you to consider occasionally or permenantly having 2 or 3 cars where 1 player can post 1 team in car only. Ie boost the participants in defense from 9 to 11, 14, or 17. To allow more players to access guild defense aspect. Because that is content that is otherwise segregated to the top 9 players in the guild. There’s a lot more players with competitive 5 man teams than 15 man. Ie a 150k TL player mighylt be able to arena with me, but no way they can coliseum with me… my 15 squad is way more power than they have total. So just think about it… I see a lot of reasons why you’d set 9… but the flip side is yer locking out 82% of your most active players (assuming that top guilds have the more active players and are generally full). I’m in a casual competitive guild (30s) and am happy, but I’d like to see a set up where some of mah guildies don’t feel like they are missing out. I imagine some folks may feel that way. Either now, or as the months wear on and it is same defenders over and over.

Sorry Polaris, I talk too much.

Less useful:
For some seasons, it’d be fun to see something game structure bending… changing the fight dynamic so we can rediscover the joys of team composition outside of the normal conventions.

Like something else other than 5 hero teams. Because there is only 5 hero team builds, the team combos are relatively stable across all types of game play. Changing the number changes the timing and skill synergies.Or reducing energy gain from damage taken by 50%. Cause that changes White Skill trigger. Just something that might change team setups, and allows the chess pieces to be reimagined. (Although easier disks seems to be doing that and thanks for that)

Posting that here because it’s to be released content… so you could mess with it without hissy fits from the client base.

Ciao bella

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A few questions.

  1. Win condition? I assume whoever clears all rooms first wins, and otherwise it’s based on score by wins and defences. Would be nice to be certain.

  2. Que for war? How long after a war finish to que for the next?

You can have multiple people defending a single car. There are guild perks that allow a guild to have more defenders per car.

Guild with the most points when the war ends wins.

Matchmaking happens for everyone at the same time. Guilds can queue for the next war while they’re in the battle phase, and then matchmaking happens at 11 AM CT the next day.

So it goes like this:
Day 1:
Matchmaking at 11 AM
Sabotage Phase Begins

Days 2:
Attacking Phase

Return to day 1 and repeat.

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Will there be set strategy and attack days? Such as Monday/Wednesday/fridays being an Match/strategy day and tuesday/Thursday/Saturday are attack days?

If you defeat all heroes on a car, you can attack the car next it, or above it?

I have one question that is asked in chat today since the update hit. Since all members can’t take part until we unlock all the spots in the cars. If we win the war does everyone in the guild get rewarded like coins. Or is it just the members that have heroes defending a car.


If you win the war everyone in the guild gets rewards. Those not defending can still attack in the war, attacking isnt limited to just those players with defenses set.

Is there any explanation of how we earn the points?
I only know there are 3 cars at the top which has some effect that influence the points.
But is that all for how we can earn the points or is there other rules for that?

New players in the guild can join the active guild war or only the next one like the surge? What about if a kicked player has a team defending. Will it stay?


Question regarding the attacks. Will it be done like the coliseum, ie. you only proceed to the second lineup after defeating the first and subsequently the third? Or are they 3 seperate attacks and the result is independent of each other.

Also, what happens if one of the defending lineup is already beaten? Do i still have to set up an attack lineup for it?

Would appreciate an answer soon cos my guild’s 1st attack phase is coming up in 6 hours.

You move on to the next round regardless of winning or losing the fight, so its unlike coli in that respect. Not sure about your second question sorry I cant help there.

Im still confused on how the extra attacks works. If we unlocked one extra attack per war, does Is it mean EVERY MEMBER of the guild gets one extra attack? or does it mean THE GUILD has one extra attack that needs to be used wisely by ONLY ONE member…

The guild gets 1 extra attack that any member of the guild can use, ie leadership cant allocate it to one person in particular. Once that extra attack is used, that’s it.

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