Heroes: March 2021

My favorite character to this day is Bo Peep (ive been playing a long time) and though she’s not a popular choice. I’m just a fan how she used to buzzsaw through so many teams. I still love her even though she isn’t as effective anymore. The dev team did a really good job on making her unique and capturing her personality.

Please please refresh an OLD hero. One that basically hasn’t had much love or use for an extremely long time. I’d like to nominate Woody personally. He’s an iconic character, and has basically been made obsolete since the inception of much more effective support heroes.

Perhaps a new friendship disk, or adding some kind of shield to “Giddy Up” would improve his set. Of all the characters in this game it saddens me the most to see Woody left in the toy box this lol

My favorite has to be Bunsen and Beaker, I love how creative and wacky all the Muppet characters but they really take the cake for me with their animations and attacks!

I think more supports could be a bit better, I haven’t seen many support characters that have stood too much from the crowd lately.

I’m not quite sure on refreshes but as someone who uses her on my team a lot I think Ursula would be a good choice, I use her all the time and can be very helpful at times but people barely use her on a team so maybe she could use some reworking to help fix that.

I’m the worst with combos but my full team is Mickey, Baymax, Moana, Ursula, and Alice, which usually gets the job done for me.

If there was one choice I could choose out of any, I really hope Oswald the Lucky Rabbit makes it into the game!

Hey all and polaris… here is what i have

Favorite hero- it is eeyore because he has always been my favorite ever since I can remember and he has helped me through lots of battles in the game
Role hero-i would like to see more support because there is no OP support
Mim- i don’t use her as much
Refresh- either eeyore or chesier cat because eeyore has to damage more and cat needs more health
Most strong- the team that worked for me the most is max, goofy, chesier cat, merida and elsa
One hero- bolt or Raya

. Scar he is very powerful
. I don’t use her
. Elastigirl
. I don’t know
. Bolt

1.Mulan Because it’s very strong.
2.Tank and support
3.I think it’s less.
4.Kronk Because I can’t clear his friend canpaign.
5.Cheshire Cat, Maximus
6.Sofia the first or Elena of Avalor

I see that most people if not everyone answered that they would like to see more new characters with the Support role, however Support can mean different things so which sub-type of Support would you like the most? (4 votes max per person, so think through what you want the most with 4 votes).

  • Team Healer
  • Team Buffer
  • Team Speed Buffer
  • Team Cleanse(Ally team debuff remover)
  • Remove enemy’s buffs
  • Team Type Resistance
  • Team Energy increase(Cap and/or gain)
  • Ally/Team Revive

0 voters

Thank you for taking part in the vote poll if you do, and yeah it will be interesting to see what people vote the most for :-).

While I assume us telling PerBlue that we want more of the Support role won’t effect the game right way like the next 2-3 month, but maybe they can switch the release schedule past 4 or 5 months from now. Could of course get some Support characters within the next months anyway, but yeah we will see.

Favorite hero: Mickey Mouse, great move set but he needs a refresh (that answers 2 questions)

I don’t have anything to say rn for the 2nd question

I barely fight her but when I do she’s hard but I get past her 75% of the time.

I wanna see Lightning McQueen if he’s not gonna be coming this year, same with The Underminer and Chicken Little

Most powerful team: Ian Maximus Cheshire Cat Basil and Mulan

I don’t play competitively so I can’t say who the best teams are or whether or not Madam Mim is worthy but I can answer what I like and want.

My favorite character currently is Maximus. I thought it was funny that he even got added and then he ended up being really good.

I personally like Damage heroes best.

The character that needs a refresh the most? Three immediately come to mind. Rex, Ursula, and Maui. If they’re on my team, I usually lose. But gun to my head, had to pick one, I’d say Maui. I really feel like he fails as a frontline character.

Picking one hero is hard, since I really want all three Sanderson Sisters. But since it’s only one, I’ll go with Reuben from Lilo and Stitch. I think he’d make an interesting support.


You forgot enemy silencer. Red needs one.

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Ah, Silence is under Control rather than Support, since Silence is Crowd Control as you control the enemies to say :-).


Chesire Cat is already overpowered. His health is good enough to head toss in time :man_shrugging:

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You should add in cruala de Val or Edna or just more villains like the clown from inside out :supervillain:🏻

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in 2022 I wanted to see Suga Mama from Proud family

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Stitch! He has some great damage, and stays alive long enough to heal himself. + he’s fluffy!

Personally tanks.

Stitch, or Calhoun.

Well, a duo, Tod and Copper!


I would say Lena, Della Duck, Gyro, Webby, Gosalyn, B.O.Y.D, Violet, and Gandra Dee from DuckTales (2017)

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Kermit. A lot of reasons, but the simplest one that summarizes all the others is, he’s Kermit!

Support. There aren’t enough of them.

I haven’t seen that much change. But the change that did happen was an increase.

First I love that you specified NOT KIM.
But my answer is Joy. She was really good for a while. But the more Support heroes got Red skills, the less effective she became. And the she got a Red Skill… and it wasn’t the greatest.

Tow Mater. Without a doubt.
But specifically Spy Mater. Cars 2 is a cinematic masterpiece and I would love to have Mater in the game.


This is the first time I’ve ever seen anyone say anything this positive about Cars 2 lol. :rofl:

(Although I actually like that movie more than Cars 3, in all honesty…)


My favorite hero is John Silver because his skillset is interesting that he takes less damage and devastates enemies as he loses his health. Also, he is self-sustainable that he not only heal himself but also speed up his attacks as well. John Silver is like a berserker that he impacts enemies when he loses his health

I have seen many Damage role heroes in the roster. So, I think that I wanted to see more Support heroes in the future, whether they can be aggressive or defensive.

Since Madam Mim is refreshed, I do not know how competitive she is, but she seems more reliable than before.

Ralph really needs a refresh the most since he is the starter hero in the game. What makes him an unreliable tank is that his disables from “Wreck It” and “Shouting Match” were too short to disrupt enemies. “Big Duty” seems unreliable that he heals over time when he loses his Max HP slightly too low.

I think heroes that studies enemies or scores critical hits with Normal damage is most powerful in the game. Syndrome, for example, can both study and damage enemies with “Probe Scan,” while the Beast can crit enemies quick and easy.

In 2022, I would like to see Thumper, who is a crazy grasshopper that thrashes his enemies on sight.


Do you mean Hopper? :sweat_smile:
I’m sorry, it’s just that I seem Thumper is the bunny from Bambi so reading this felt quite weird lol

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I was about to say this lol…

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