Hi Guys It’s my 13th Birthday / AladdinCarpet concept

Hello guys i just turned 13, and i really wanna show you my own concept i made of me! So please wish me a happy birthday :birthday: :partying_face: :tada: :tada:!!!

There’s was this other guy who made a concept of him self, he started with an F and had D in his name? Idk XD. Anyways here’s my concept and i hope you enjoy it!


Stars: :star:
Position: Middle
Role: Support
Trial Team: Red

Quote: “There comes a time where…you feel like you’re not special, but at least you’re not on a farm!!”

Bio: The Special, brave, loyal, Man named Guy has joined the battle!

Entrance: Guy walks through the battlefield with his laptop
Victory: Guy cheers and hugs is best friend!
Ko’d: Guy throws his laptop and smashes he perishes!


White :white_circle: sword fight :dagger:
True Damage :facepunch:

Passive: Guy comes in the battlefield, he pulls out his sword and starts throwing his sword into the air, dealing 100 damage. Gaining 6890 energy to Guy taking away buffs from the enemy.

Active: Guy stabs the targeted enemy (no blood required for this skill), it stuns the enemy for 1.03 seconds.

Green: :green_circle: Me and Zach the besta’ pals!
True Damage :facepunch:

Bio: Guy and Zach team up, they use their high five to heel the allies, and then they start sneaking up on the enemies, taking away the enemies buff and Max HP!

Blue: :large_blue_circle: Be careful of the wretched Car!

Bio: Guy first uses his sword, he grabs the targeted enemy at freezes it for 10.9 seconds.

He uses his car, he crashes into the enemy, gaining 10 energy to Guy!

Purple: :purple_circle: Loyal? Check. Brave? Check. Cheeky? Check
Guy pulls out something, he shoots fireworks into the sky, he then flies and then distracts the targeted enemy! Taking away 1100 Damage from the enemy!


Simba and Nala- long live the trio!

• long live the trio deals an addition 2032 damage

• Allies: Olaf, Scar, Ariel and Dr Facilier

Guy and Simba and Nala are now friends!
Simba and Nala are playing in the watering and they see a human.
“Hey, who are you?” -Simba and Nala
“Uh…i’m Guy, aww you’re cute!” -Guy Kendrasovskiz
“I’m simba, this is Nala, Hello Guy! And thanks!” -Simba and Nala
“Hey Lion Cubs, I see some creeps! Let’s fight ‘em!” -Guy K.

Olaf- I love Warm hugs with you!

• I love warm hugs with you deals an addition 1106 damage

• Allies: Kristoff and Sven, Elsa, Anna and Maleficent

Guy and Olaf are now friends!
Olaf wonders around Arendelle when he notices a new villager!
“Hi I’m Olaf and I like warm hugs!” -Olaf
“Oh Hi, I’m Guy! You’re a cute little snowman!” -Guy Kendrasovskiz
“Can I hug—- OH NO CREEPS!!!” -Olaf
“Don’t worry olaf, I will protect you!” -Guy Kendrasovskiz

Hello, my real names Guy! It’s my 26th birthday, right now i’m driving back home from acting, I know my show, it’s called Stuck under The Roof, it’s coming out in 2027! We just started filming like…yesterday! So I told everyone in I am new to forums!

My Other Project concept
SHES THE SPIDER WAITING TO KILL (cruella de vil) Feb 15th, 1st concept

make sure to check out that! I’m really happy it’s my birthday! I can’t wait for next Feb 16th!

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I… with all due respect to it being your birthday, outright telling people to say happy birthday to you seems very needy, as if you want us to give you attention.

Surely if you could go through all of the effort to look through their profile and find their birthday self-concept despite the fact that that was made over a year and a half ago (which is a really strange thing to do tbh), then you could at least remember that person’s username…

And this isn’t even including all of the issues with your actual concept…

sorry, hey at least I said happy birthday to myself, it’s ok btw your profile gives me an inspiration

I think you are ignoring the elephant in the forum…


I knew it was you Leo Lion. I just wasn’t quite sure til now. I bet it’s not really your birthday today.


No, I’m not. I’m just trying to be considerate and give him some legitimate advice instead of just trying to shut him down for the obvious.

  1. So did you or did you not know it was him? You say you did and then say that you weren’t sure until now.
  2. You say this as if you’ve made some impressive discovery when pretty much everyone else already figured it out the first day he (re)joined the forums because of how obvious it was…
  3. To play devil’s advocate, why couldn’t it be his actual birthday today? Lying about his age is one thing, but lying about his specific birthday seems a bit odd to try and pull.

What i meant to say was I just needed to make sure it was them before jumping to conclusions. But after seeing this, we can safely say they were caught with their hand in the cookie jar.

Well, you don’t know tell we make sure it’s them
For all we know, it could have been somebody else. Like I said, we need to make certain before jumping to conclusions even if it is obvious (call me cautious or crazy depending how you interpret this explanation).

Why not? They lied about everything else. We all know they can and will say anything so they can stay without providing any REAL evidence to the contrary. You can never be too careful.

it’s not me, plz, i’m not just trust me!

I’ll try to prove the evidence that i’m not her! I promise, look at her/his skills

here’s mine

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Leo please, I know it’s you. We all know it’s you. You are not 26 or 13 or any of those other ages that you claim to be, you don’t have any bullying brothers, and you are obviously not in college in any way.

Look, I understand you want to be here but you have to understand that places such as this has certain rules and we, as a community, are expected to obey them.

You seems like a nice kid but please try to understand that you are too young to be here. And even if you are old enough, you broken the rules by making alts to evade your suspension. Just know this, none of us don’t take pride in repmanding children. So please, don’t make this harder then it needs to be.

ok, i was 12 last year, I can’t not be honest, i will tell you that, it’s me leo, it is rude to not be honest, but i’ve got some inspiration from other disney concepts, i have to confess it’s me, i’ve learnt more things and understand the key to concepts is…look i’ve tried to upgrade the concepts so don’t worry, I’ll try and get better, and hey who knows? And also, there is a movie, i am starring in tim burton’s Stuck under the roof (2027)

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though yes, your concepts have improved a lot. you are still evading your suspension which is against the rules. and it’ll probably happen again. obviously you will continue making accounts and it’ll keep happening. but there is a reason that you need to be 13 on here. it is for your own good so please wait.

oh and lil ruby, you did a good with the 2.0 update for you, actually you deserve hearts :heart:! Your so cool

I’m my cruella concept, I put “perfect” in, try and guess please

Whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaatttttt??? I did not understand what you even said right now expect its something about you’re concept.

it is, lol

🤦🤦🤦🤦🤦🤦🤦🤦🤦🤦you know what forget it.

it is about my concept

Wait a second… I thought this topic said you’re 26th birthday not 13th birthday.

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